Thomas Robinson

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John and Mavel Robinson

Below is a link to Betty Robertson Riley's work on John and Mavel Robinson. It includes what is known of John and Mavel and their children. Betty believed, as I once did, that John Robinson and Thomas Robinson of Henrico Co VA were brothers. yDNA has since proved that to be incorrect and that my Thomas Robinson and John Robinson (who married Mavel) had a very recent (around 1650) common ancestor.

Betty descends from the Henrico Co VA Thomas Robinson and that was her main reason for writing this excellent genealogy.

Click here to read the John and Mavel Robinson PDF file.

Several items to note that are not in Betty's file:
  1. Thos Cocke's came from Pickthorn, England and imported a John Robinson into Henrico Co VA in 1675. Whether this is John who married Mavel is not known but there are no other John Robinson found at this time in Henrico Co Va.
  2. From "Cavaliers and Pioneers" Patent Book 6 "Mr. Tho Cock 3087A Henrico Co N side James Riv 4 Oct 1675 p 564. Beg on S side of Chickahominy Sw at land taken up by Mr Beachamp. Trans of 62 pers: Jno Robinson..."
  3. I believe this John Robinson came from the same Robinson's in Yorkshire England that my Thomas Robinson Sr did.
  4. See here Yorkshire England Robinson's.
  5. John Robinson signed his name Robinson not Robertson.
  6. 20 April 1687 Surry Co VA: Edward Bayly LG 220A beginning and extending on the NS the little marsh being one of Christopher Fosters corner trees and land off Bayly's land formerly belonging to Col George Jordan for transporting David Scot and Luke Robinson (my ancestor).
  7. 20 April 1687 John Bayly 736 acres N side of James River beg At Henry Prewitt and John Fields to Gylles Crk adj Sam Bridgewater Henrico Co VA.
  8. 24 Apr 1703 Pg 521 John Robinson in 1703 had 831A on NS James Riv at a place known as Gilley's Crk at John Bayly's for transporting... 13 rights paid to Wm Byrd.