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Below is what I believe shows a connection to the Thomas Robinson found in Edgecombe Prec of Bertie Co NC in 1733 and the Thomas Robinson who went into Brunswick Co VA around 1735 and then returned to Edgecomber Co NC in 1745. The two deeds listed below are from Edgecombe Prec of Bertie Co NC. Early land records for Edgecombe Prec are now found in Halifax Co NC. Thomas Harrington for L40 to Elizabeth King land in Edgecombe Precinct containing 54A. Wit: Martin Lyon, Thomas Robertson, Jos Bradley. S/Thomas Harrington and wife Mary Harrington. Recorded Bk 1 Pg 38 Aug 1733 Halifax Co NC. Land in then Bertie Co NC. Thomas Robertson, Martin Lyon, William Short witness a deed between Thomas Harrington and wife Mary of Bertie Precinct and Joseph Bradley of Edgecombe Precinct. Recorded Bk 1 Pg 40 Aug 1733 Halifax Co NC. Land in Bertie Co NC. Notes: 1. Thomas Harrington married Mary Whitmell. Thomas Harrington was the son of John and Sarah Mason Harrington who can be found in Surry Co VA and then Chowan Co NC. 2. 1757: John Doyle of Edgecombe Co deed to [son] John Doyle of Edgecombe Co on 9 Aug 1757 for L20 320A on ES Live Oak Swamp and is part of 640A granted 7 June 1739. Wit: John Averitt, Joseph Bradley, Richard Bolton. Abraham Macklemoor [Macklemore] deed to William Gillum 100A on NS "Morratock River Down the old County line". Wit: Martin Lyons, John Doyle, John Cotton. Bertie Co NC DB D Pg 154 10 May 1735. Will of James Macklemore, brother of Abraham Macklemore, dtd 7 Feb 1733/4 Bertie Co NC was witnessed by John Doyle, Abraham (A) Macklemore, Thomas (T) Roberson. Notes: 1. William Gilliam made his will 12 Oct 1776 and proved Feb Ct 1781. Will Book 1 Pg 300 Granville Co NC. In his will he mentions "friend Christopher Robinson" and is witnessed by a Robert Robinson. 2. James Macklemore may have married Fortune Gilliam whose father may have been John Gilliam in Surry Co VA. 3. James Macklemore LG 100A Southwarke Par Surry Co VA 16 Dec 1714. 4. 2 July 1746 Richard Smith of Bertie Co to Mary Waring Bertie Co 300A on Peahill adj John Moser, Ephriam Macklemore, John Cumbo and vacant land. Wit: Wm Hansele, Wm Campbell. Rec 17 July 1746 Northampton Co NC. An Edgecombe Co NC deed dtd 7 Nov 1735 between William Winston and Rebecca his wife of Hanover Co VA to Marmaduke Kimbrough of Hanover Co VA for 5 sh and 1 ear of Indian corn 1170A on SS Morratuck (Roanoak) River. Wit: Buckley Kimbrough, Robert Harris, Richard Harris. Note: See Spotsylvania Co VA for more on the Kimbrough family. Marmaduke Kimbrough was the brother of Mary Kimbrough Wilkins, wife of John Wilkins who witnessed Thomas Robinson's Brunswick Co VA 1745 deed. Marmaduke's youngest sister married Richard Harris. Robert Harris was the father of Richard Harris. Mary Macklemore [wife of Abraham] to Atkin and Young Macklemore land below William Gillam. Wit: Cornelius Keith, Elizabeth Keith. Bertie Co NC DB E Pg 413 8 Feb 1736. Notes: 1. Cornelius Keith witnessed the land purchased by Thomas Robinson in 1735 in Brunswick Co VA. 2. Abraham Macklemore will dtd 4 Jan 1735 and proved Nov Ct 1736 Bertie Co NC and wit by William Gillam, William Clanton, Joseph Bradley. Ralph Mason of Chowan Prec planter and Sarah my wife to Thomas Arrington [Harrington] of Chowan Prec planter 20L 160A on NS of Moratuck Riv adj Richard Turbavill [Tuberville], John Hathhorn. Wit: Arthur Kavenaugh, John (X) Coleson. Reg Chowan Prec 2d Tuesday of Jul 1720. Test: Thomas Henman Clerk. DB F Chowan Co NC Pg 48. Note: Deed of Gift of Francis Clements Sr of IOW Co to his son Francis Clements Jr of IOW Co 516A SS of Nottoway Riv now in the possession of Ralph Mason and bounded by the Spring Swamp. Surry Co VA DB 6 Pg 259 15 Oct 1715. Richard Allen to William Short 140A on NW side Reedy Run adj Richard Turberville and Ralph Mason. Wit: Henry Horne. DB D Pg 268 11 May 1736 Bertie Co NC. Notes: 1. Moses Horn of Edgecombe Co to William Roberson of Nansemond Co VA L20 130A in Northampton and Bertie Counties joining a meadow, part of a patent formerly granted to Henry Baker for 260A 2 Apr 1722. Wit: Charles Horne, William (X) Horn 13 May 1745. Reg Northampton Co Nov Ct 1745 Pg 219 Northampton Co NC. 2. Moses Horn Will in 1781 in Northampton Co NC mentions brother-in-law Sion Rutland. Moses wife Milly may have been a Rutland. A Moses Horn was listed in the Will of William Horn in 1759 Edgecombe Co NC and this may have been the William Horn listed in the 1704 Rent Rolls of Nansemond Co VA. 3. William Roberson of Northampton Co NC to Willis Collins 200A being part in Northampton and part in Bertie Co on Sandy Run adj ___ham, John Rutland, Wm Rutland. Part of a tract granted William Roberson by deed of grant 22 Jun 1749. Wit: Charles Horne, Wm Horne. 20 Oct 1754 Rec Apr Ct 1755 DB H Pg 168. 4. Wm Roberson of Northampton Co NC may have been the son of Jonathan Robinson out of Nansemond Co VA. 5. Sandy Run is located about 1 mile from Roxobel NC between Bertie and Northampton Co. It flowed into the Roanoke Riv. 6. William (X) Robertson 22 Jun 1749 LG 600A Northampton Co adj Wm Rutland, Wm Horn, Michael Horn, Wm Carter, John Wilkes, John Rutland. CB Jonathan Robertson. Edgecombe Co LG Pg 310. 7. William Roberson of Edgecombe Co NC to Wm Horn 200A adj Charles Horn, John Wilks being part of a tract granted 23 Jun 1749. Wit: Charles Horne, Barnaby Bryan. 17 Feb 1754 DB H Pg 262. 8. William Robinson of Northampton Co to Marmaduke Norfleet of Perquimans Co NC 200A on NS Roanoke Riv adj Charles Horne, Wm Carter. Part of a 640 grant 22 Jun 1749. Wit: Thos Williams, Geo Harrell, Jonathan Roberson. 24 Apr 1756 Rec Apr Ct 1756 DB H Pg 291. Thomas Harrington to James Parham for 10 shillings two tracts of 260A on NS Roanoke Riv. First tract purchased by Harrington of John Colson of 160A adj Ralph Mason. Second tract purchased by Harrington of John Turberville adj John Colson and Ralph Mason. Wit: Alexander Southerland, William Short. Bertie Co NC DB E Pg 27 24 Jun 1736. The first deed I've found for any Thomas Robinson is in Granville Co NC and it's recorded 2 years after Thomas Robinson leaves Brunswick Co VA. Isaac Ricks of Edgecombe Co NC to Thomas Robertson of Granville Co NC for L10 400A on the SS of the Tar Riv where Robertson now dwells and granted to Isaac Ricks 5 Jul 1743. Wit: Osborne Jeffrey, James Yancey, William Roberts. Rec Sep 1747 Bk A Pg 30 Granville Co NC. Notes: 1. The above deed is for land on Stoney Crk which is in todays Nash Co NC and is the N fork of the Tar Riv. 2. George Roberson, John McKinnie, Isaac Ricks wit deed 22 Sep 1734 bet Benj McKinnie to Barnaby McKinnie SS Moratock (Roanoke) Riv in Calendonia Neck. Rec May 1735 Bk 1 Pg 132 Edgecombe Co NC. 3. John McKinnie was the son of Barnaby McKinne and Mary Exum. Mary Exum's first husband was Jacob Ricks. See Isle of Wight Co VA. The next record for any Thomas Robinson is: Thomas Robinson, John Shearman, John Conaway wit a deed between Thomas Mason and Richard Gib for 200A on SS of Stony Crk near the head of the Tar Riv. Recorded 4 Oct 1748 Bk A Pg 77 Granville Co NC. Thomas Roberson, John Conaway, Richard Gibs wit a deed between Thomas Mason and John Shearman on Stony Crk. Recorded 4 Oct 1748 Pg 81 Granville Co NC. Thomas Mason is the son of Ralph Mason who lived adj Thomas Harrington. In 1753 Thomas Robinson sells half of his land: Thomas Robinson to John Green, blacksmith, for L20 200A on the SS Tar Riv whereon William Gaus [Goss] lived which was granted to Isaac Ricks. S/Thomas (X) Robinson. Wit by Aaron Fussell, Hosea Tapley, William Cheek. Recorded Deed Bk B Pg 237 4 Sep 1753 Granville Co NC. William Goss was the father of Thomas Goss who married Frances Shearman who is the dau of John Shearman. 13 Dec 1748: Hosea Tapley to William Short both of Northampton Co NC. Great Island and Little Island in Marratoke River... which land was granted to Rowland Williams by a patent 18 June 1741 and conveyed by the said Williams to me the said Tapley. 19 Mar 1753: Hosea Tapley of Orange Co NC deeds to John Short of Northampton Co NC 320A joining the river and William Short "in consideration of John's marriage to Anne Tapley within 4 weeks". 1763: William Short will in Northampton Co NC. This will is also recorded in Brunswick. The will says "lands I bought of William Chambers joining William Pridon and the river (except about 10 acres) and also Burk Island, Miller Island which I purchased of Hosea Tapley and the Reedy Island and also 2 negroes". |
22 Sep 1734: Geo Roberson, John McKinnie, Isaac Ricks wit deed bet Benj McKinnie to Barnaby McKinnie on SS Moratock (Roanoke) Riv in Caledonia Neck. Rec DB 1 Pg 132 May 1735 Edgecombe Co NC. 1739: Edw Robertson LG 200A 6 Jun 1739 Edgecombe Co NC. 1739: Edw Robertson, Joseph John Alston wit deed bet Thomas Kearney of Edgecombe Co to Francis Myrick Jr of Bertie 300A on SS of Roanoke Riv adj Patrick Lashley. DB 1 Pg 313 ___ 1739 Edgecombe Co NC. 1743: Edw Young to Geo Robinson L5 250A on SW side of Conaway Crk [Little Fishing Crk today]. Half of 500A granted to John Alston. Wit: Wm Person, Wm Williams. DB 5 Pg 189 Aug 1743. 1743: Israel (X) Robertson, John (X) Simmons, Wallis Jones wit deed bet Henry Jones of Northampton Co to Thos Honey of Edgecombe Co. DB 5 Pg 201 2 Nov 1743 Edgecombe Co NC. 1743: Israel Robertson, Wallis Jones, Thos Honey wit deed bet Henry Jones of Northampton Co to Wm Simmons of Edgecombe Co 100A adj Rogers. Sd Wm Simmons is to let his father and mother John and Ann Simmon have their living on sd tract. DB 5 Pg 204 14 Nov 1743 Edgecombe Co NC. 1744: Edw Robertson on jury to lay out road Feb 1744 Edgecombe Co NC. 1746: Marmaduke Kimbrough of Edgecombe Co to Henry Robertson of Edgecombe Co 640A on SS Chockyot [Chockoyotte] Crk. A grant to Marmaduke Kimbrough 6 May 1742. Wit: John Pearson, Phillip Herndon, Solomon Hawkins. DB 3 Pg 151 8 Mar 1746 Edgecombe Co NC. 1747: Edward (X) Robertson, Nicholas Killingsworth wit deed bet John Doyle of Edgecombe Co to Richard Smith of Edgecombe Co 200A on ES Pritty Crk. DB 3 Pg 134 14 Aug 1747 Edgecombe Co NC. Note: Edw (X) Roberson wit deed bet Graves Eaves and John Eaves of Brunswick Co VA to John Roberson of Brunswick Co VA. 2 Nov 1743 Brunswick Co VA. See Graves Eaves living next to Thomas Robinson in Rutherford Co NC. 1748: Edward (X) Roberson, Wm (W) Jones wit deed bet John Jones and Eliz Jones of Edgecombe Co to Joseph Blake of Edgecombe Co 200A in the fork of Marsh Swamp. DB 3 Pg 271 1748 Edgecombe Co NC. 1748: Francis Jones LG from Lord Granville 360A on SS Martins Swamp adj Samuel Smith, Edward Robertson. Pat Bk 11 Pg 213 20 Dec 1748 Edgecombe Co NC. Note: Francis Jones is the brother of Henry Jones. 1749: Thos Gill LG from Lord Granville 639A adj Francis Jones. SCC Edward Roberson, Francis Jones. Wm Williams Surveyor. Pat Bk 11 Pg 180 25 Mar 1749 Edgecombe Co NC. 1749: John Killingsworth LG from Lord Granville 350A adj Edward Roberson, Marsh Swamp, the mouth of Princess Br, Wm Jones, Jos Black. SCC Edward Robertson, John Robertson. James Alston Surveyor. Pat Bk 11 Pg 215 25 Mar 1749 Edgecombe Co NC. 1751: Henry Robertson, Wm Ogilvie Jr, AJ Smith, Danl Weldon, John Jones wit deed bet Marmaduke Kimbrough of Edgecombe Co to Peter Robertson of Edgecombe Co 85A on SS Roanoke and upper side of Chockyot [Chockoyotte] Crk. DB 4 Pg 148 14 Aug 1751 Edgecombe Co NC. 1752: Wm Gill LG from Lord Granville 480A adj Thickett Swamp and Fishers Mill Swamp. Wit: John Haywood, John Pryor. SCC Edward Roberson, Thomas Gill. Wm Williams Surveyor. Pat Bk 11 Pg 182 25 Mar 1752 Edgecombe Co NC. 1752: Ambrose Joshua Smith LG from Lord Granville 606A on BS Chocaote [Chockoyotte] Crk adj Richard Cureton, Marmaduke Kimbrough, Henry Robertson, John Killingsworth. Pat Bk 11 Pg 273 1 May 1752 Edgecombe Co NC. 1753: Edward Robinson of Edgecombe Co to John Jones of Edgecombe Co 150A on NS Marsh Swamp adj Middle Branch. Wit: John Steele, Charles Brown. DB 4 Pg 392 1 Jan 1753 Edgecombe Co NC. 1753: John Jones LG from Lord Granville 465A in Edgecombe Par on prong of Marsh Swamp adj Thos Martin, Edward Robinson, Francis Jones. SCC John Robinson, John Penry. Pat Bk 11 Pg 210 1 May 1754 Edgecombe Co NC. 1756: Henry Robertson and wf Ann of Edgecombe Co to Nathaniel Melton of Edgecombe Co 100A on S Forks of Dogwood Br adj Nimrod Farguson, James Henerson, Wm Reynolds. DB 6 Pg 199 4 Sep 1756 Edgecombe Co NC. 1757: Geo Robertson ordinary lic renewed Feb 1757 Edgecombe Co NC. 1757: Edward Robertson of Edgecombe Co to David Crawley of Edgecombe Co 450A adj the mouth of Spring Br and John Jones. 200A granted to sd Robertson 6 Jun 1739 and 250A is part of a Granville LG to Robertson. Wit: Alexander McCullock, James Bloyce. DB 6 Pg 201 11 May 1757 Edgecombe Co NC. |