Thomas Robinson

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Who Is The Father of Thomas Robinson Sr
John Robinson or Luke Robinson or ?

See also: Luke Robinson of Yorkshire England.

I have asked on the THOMAS ROBINSON Spotsylvania Co VA page if it's possible JOHN ROBINSON in Spotsylvania Co might be his father. There are 2 John Robinsons in Spotsylvania and Caroline Co VA at the same time. Maybe father and son. I know one of the JOHN ROBINSON of Spotsylvania Co is a son of CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON of Hewick in Middlesex Co VA. There is not one record that I've found that contains the name of THOMAS ROBINSON with any JOHN ROBINSON. However, I have listed below those records that do point to this connection. JOHN ROBINSON lives almost adjacent to the WALLER's and CARR'S during the early 1730's. Spotsylvania Co formed from Essex, King & Queen and King William Co in 1720-1721 and Caroline Co formed from Essex, King & Queen, and King William Co VA in 1728. THOMAS ROBINSON is found in both counties.

The THOMAS ROBINSON in Spotsylvania Co VA is clearly the TR in Brunswick Co VA in 1735. There is certainly some overlap between him being in Spotsylvania/Caroline and Brunswick. His first deed in Brunswick was this:

THOMAS ROBINSON leases and releases 150 acres in 1735 from WILLIAM TOMS and wife Margaret of St Andrew Parish. Land is located on the NS of the Roanoke River in Clemens [Clements] line. Part of a grant to John Davis and sold to Toms. Witnesses to deed are Cornelius Keith, Samuel (B) Buckstone, William Jinkines [Jenkins]. Deed recorded 4/5 Feb 1735/6 Pg 269-271 Brunswick Co VA Deeds.

We know from the 1704 King William Co VA Rent Rolls that WILLIAM TOMS is listed. Also listed is THOMAS CARR and HENRY CHILES. JOHN ROBINSON is listed in Middlesex Co VA. JOHN ROBINSON (the son of Robt Robinson) is in King & Queen Co in 1704 but NO ROBINSON is listed in 1704 living in King William Co VA.

THOMAS ROBINSON sells his Brunswick Co VA land in 1745:

THOMAS ROBERSON and Mary, his wife, of Edgecombe County [North] Carolina to [13 Jun 1745] Christopher Hudson of St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick Co VA for L45 one certain tract of land and plantation containing about 150 acres lying in a bent on the NS of Roanoke River in St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick and bounded by the line of John Clemens [Clements] deceased, a line the said Roberson and William Toms made between themselves. The land was patented to John Davis of St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick Co and afterwards sold by Davis to William Toms who sold it to Thomas Roberson. S/Thomas Roberson, Mary (her X mark) Roberson. Witness: JOHN WILKINS, Mary (her X mark) Wilkins, William Taber. Recorded Pg 84, Brunswick Co Deed Book 3, 3 Oct 1745.

The witness of the above deed, JOHN WILKINS, is in Sportsylvania Co at the same time THOMAS ROBINSON was there.

5 Sept 1722 Pg 4 Spotsylvania CO Road Orders: Larkin Chew Gentn: petitiond for a Road to be cleared from John Robinsons Esqr quarter over the river Po by the Said Chews to Massaponax roleing house known by the name of James Kenny which was granted and Capt Larkin Chew is ordered & appointed Overseer [page edge eroded].

8 Jul 1724 Pg 86 Spotsylvania CO Road Orders: On Petition of Capt Larkin Chew he is discharged from being overseer of the road from John Robinsons Esqr Quarter over the river Po, by the said Capt Larkin Chews to Massapanax Roleing house, Known by the name of James Kennys, and Samuell Moore is appointed in his room--

6 Apr 1725 Pg 44 Spotsylvania CO Road Orders: Mr Henry Goodloe makeing returne of the order of last court for a road from his house to the Church on the River Ta, which was not quite full enough, Ordered that the road according as it is marked & laid out & so through the lands of Barnett Bain and Edward Pigg to the most convenienst way to Collo: John Robinsons rolling road, be the road and that Lawrence Franklyn be surveyor of the same, and that the male tithables of Henry Goodloe Gentn, Mark Wheeler, George Pemberton, Samuell Hamm, Mr William Stanards Quarter, Thomas Warrens, John Askew, William Rice, Barnett Bain, Mr Nathaniell Sanders Quarter & John Bains plantations do help him clear the same

4 June 1728 Pg 233 Spotsylvania CO Road Orders: On motion of JOHN WALLER he is discharged from being overseer of the road from Mattapany Church to east north east bridge and the said road is divided into two precincts and JOHN WILKINGS [WILKINS] and Daniell Brown are appointed Overseers in his room, Vizt: from east north east bridge to JOHN WALLERS bridge including the same, Mr JOHN WILKINGS [WILKINS] is appointed overseer & ordered that JOHN WALLER, Zachary Lewis, JOHN WILKINGS [WILKINS], John Wiglesworth, Dennitt Abney senr: Dennitt Abney Junr: John Smith, Wm Dobbs, Daniell Pruett, Robert Baylors Quarter & Robert Stublefield, working Male tithables do help him clear & keep in repair the same and from the Said WALLER bridge to Mattapany church Mr Daniel Brown is appointed overseer and Ordered that all the male tithables on the South Side of the River that belong to the Hon: John Robinson, Daniell Brown, John Micou, Abell Stears, John Naul, Patriack Bolding, Wm: Bradbourn, George Carters, Samuell Tillary, Phebe Hobson, and Robert Colemans plantions do help him clear the same --

Note: 1720 Spotsylvania is a new county made from Essex, King and Queen and King William.

6 Aug 1728 JOHN WILKINS of Spots Co to John Wiglesworth of the same county 25 curr 200A of land part of a pat granted the sd Wilkins 16 June 1727 in St Geo Par Spots Co Rec 6 Aug 1728. Mary, the wife of John Wilkins, acknowledged her dower. JOHN WALLER witness.

28 Sep 1728 Spotsylvania Co: JOHN WALLER JR LG 1000A NS the Northanna beg and extending in Thomas Certains line and extending corner of JOHN WILKINS by a small branch.

2 Sep 1729 Spotsylvania Co: On petition of JOHN WILKINGS [WILKINS], he is discharged from being overseer of the road from WALLERS bridge to East north east bridge, & Ordered that John Smith do Serve in his room & that the same tithables which Served under ye Said Wilkings, do help the said Smith clear & keep in good repair the said road.

11 Jan 1730 Spotsylvania Co: JOHN WALLER LG 2900A SS the Middle River and on the branches of East North East [creek] adj Maj Todd, Rbt Coleman, Joseph Smith, Mrs Mary Waller, Zach Lewis, EDMUND WALLER, BENJ WALLER, Thos Sertain and JOHN WILKINS.

28 Sep 1730 Spotsylvania Co JOHN WALLER LG 400 acres on the south side Mattapony River. Adj land of Major Carr, Colonel Robinson, Robert Coleman, and Colonel Wallers.

Listed below are 4 documents that were witnessed by THOMAS ROBINSON in either Spotsylvania Co or Caroline Co:

6 May 1735 Spotsylvania Co Court:
On the Petition of WILLIAM ROBINSON gent, he is discharged from being Overseer of the Road from Mattapony Church to Colo Wallers Bridge and Thomas Richards is ordered and appointed in his room.

3 Jun 1735 JOHN WALLER of Spotsylvania Co to his son WM WALLER. Deed of Gift 274 1/2A in Spotsylvania Co on ridge bet Matapony and Pamunkey Riv, etc. Wit: THOMAS CARR JR, B. WALLER, EDMUND WALLER, THOMAS ROBINSON. Rec DB C 1 Jul 1735 Spotsylvania Co VA.

4 May 1736 HENRY CHILES of Spotsylvania Co and Mercy his wife and JOHN CHILES of King William Co to Humphrey Hill of St Margaret's Par King William Co, Merchant 400A in St Geo Par Spotsylvania Co part of a patent granted Henry Webber 28 Oct 1723, etc. Wit: JOHN WALLER, WM WALLER, THOMAS ROBINSON, Wm Hansford, Chs Barrett. Rec DB C 6 July 1736 Spotsylvania Co VA.

4 Dec 1736 JOHN WALLER of Spotsylvania Co Gent to Zachary Lewis of same Gent 414A in Spotsylvania Co 397A part thereof of patent granted JNO WALLER JR 28 Sep 1728 and conveyed by him to sd Jno Waller as by deeds 23 and 24 Jun 1730 residue thereof part of a tract granted to sd Waller 21 Feb 1720 then in King William Co. Wit: WM WALLER, THOMAS ROBINSON, EDMUND WALLER. Rec DB C 7 Dec 1736 Spotsylvania Co VA.

14 Jul 1738 Order Bk of Caroline Co Pg 488. The last will and testament and codicil of THOMAS CARR Gent. was presented in Court by MARY CARR, JOHN CARR, AGNES WALLER and SARAH MINOR, executrix and executors therein named and proved by the oaths of JOHN WALLER and THOMAS ROBINSON and affirmation of Chs. Goodall.

Are there two JOHN ROBINSON?

JOHN ROBINSON VPB 10 p373 23 Apr 1718 2200a SS of one of the Great Branches of Mattapony Riv in King Wm Co.
Note: This land was later in Spotsylvania Co.
Note: This land was named Cleasby and is a reference to the ancestral home of the Robinson family in England.

JOHN ROBINSON of Middlesex Co VPB 11 p48 2 Nov 1720 2000a on SS of Middle Riv adj his own land in King Wm Co.

16 Jun 1727 Spotsylvania Co: Rbt Coleman LG 688A adj to the said Colemans lands, which he bought of Captain Joseph Smith and Colonel JOHN ROBINSON, Colonel JOHN WALLER and Captain Larkin Chews Land.

4 July 1727 Larkin Chew of St Geo. Par Spts Co, Gentl., to Daniel Brown of the same par. and county, planter L22 ster., 341 a. of land in Spts. Co. part of a pat. granted sd. Chew June 4, 1721, adjoining Col. JNO. ROBINSON. Witnesses: Moseley Battaley, JOHN WALLER, JNO. WALLER JUNR. Rec. July 4, 1727.

3 Sept 1727. George x Carter of Spts. Co., planter, to Phebee Hobson, widdow, of the same county. £7 ster., 50 a. of land-part of pat. granted Robert Coleman Decr. 2, 1723, and sold unto the sd. Carter, in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., joining the lands of Collo. JOHN ROBINSON and Robert Coleman. Witnesses, Danil. Brown, John Nalle, Winifred W. Tillery. Rec. June 4, 1728.

28 Sep 1730 Spotsylvania Co: JOHN WALLER LG 400A SS Mattapony Riv adj land of Major CARR, Col ROBINSON, Robert Coleman and Col WALLER.

10 Aug 1732 Caroline Co VA: Jno Robinson and Thomas Carr Jr on jury.

12 Jul 1733 Caroline Co VA: John Robinson Gent. agt Wm Woodford Gent. Judgement is granted John for 196 pounds of tobacco.

10 Jan 1734 Caroline Co VA: Petition by John Dabney agt John Robinson. Judgement is granted the plaintiff for 1.13.3 current money.

14 Nov 1735 Caroline Co VA: The last will and testament of George Robinson was presented by Samuel Robinson and JOHN ROBINSON the executors therein named and proved by William Blanton and Margaret Blanton witnesses.

10 Sep 1736 Caroline Co VA: Action of debt. John Martin Gent. quitam agt Thomas Robinson. Dismissed.

1 March 1737 Caroline Co VA: Petition of William Fantleroy agt JOHN ROBINSON. Judgement is granted the plaintiff cor 240 pounds of tobacco.

9 Mar 1738 Caroline Co VA: JOHN ROBINSON the Younger Esqr took the oath of an executor to the last will and testament of Benjamin Walker Gent who with William Beverley Gent his security acknowledge bond.

1 May 1739. John x Smith of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., planter, to Thomas Dillard of same Par, and County, planter. 1200 lbs. tob. and 3 bbls. Indian corn. 200 a. in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co.-part of pat. granted sd. Smith, Sept 28, 1728, joining lands of John Tyre, Ralph Williams, Thomas Hubbard, William Pruet, and near adjoining lands of THOS. CARR, Gent., decd., and JOHN ROBINSON, Esqr., now Humphrey Bells, etc. Witnesses: Robert Holloway, Mary x Asmon. May 1, 1739. Margaret, wife of John Smith, acknowledged her dower, etc.

11 Apr 1740 Caroline Co VA: Ordered that Samuel Robinson, JOHN ROBINSON. John Griffin and Wm Pemberton appraise the estate of Richard White.

9 May 1740 Caroline Co VA: Anne Walker, John Walker and JOHN ROBINSON Jur Esq Executors of the last will and testament of Benjamin Walker agt Thomas Carr.

9 May 1740 Caroline Co VA: Petition by George Holloway agt JOHN ROBINSON. Judgement is granted plaintiff for 2.8.5 current money.

Humphry Bell LG 15 March 1744 Spotsylvania Co 2825A beginning and extending in Colonel ROBINSON patent line. Also adjoins land of Robert Coleman, Colonel WALLER and George Carter and others.

JOHN ROBINSON (Col & Esq) land is adjacent the WALLERS and CARRS. There is one other ROBINSON in the immediate area. The CARRS, WALLERS and JOHN ROBINSON (Col & Esq) were very affluent and it's doubtful they would let just anybody witness their transactions.