Thomas Robinson

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Luke Robinson

Luke Robinson, whose will is recorded in Will Book A Pg 90 25 Dec 1812 Marlborough Dist SC, was the son of Thomas Robinson who died before May 1794 in Rutherford Co NC.

Luke Robinson's Will was signed 7 Sep 1812 and recorded Bennettsville, Marlboro Co SC 25 Dec 1812; loc Apt No 8 pkg No 16 probate judge office Bennettsville, SC. WILL OF LUKE ROBESON Marlboro Co SC Probate Judge Off Apartment No 8 Package No 16 Recorded 25 Dec 1812 Written (Signed) 7 Sep 1812.

In the Name of God Amen.

I Luke Robeson of Marlborough District in the State of South Carolina planter being sick and weak of body, but of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, thanks be given unto god for the same, do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament. That is to say, first I recommend my Soul into the hand of God who gave it, nothing doubting but at the resurrection I shall receive the same again through his might power and my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in a Christian-like and decent manner, at the discretion of my executors, and touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give, dispose of the Same in the manner and form following that is to say:

First I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Obediance Robeson One feather bed and furniture Two Cows and their calves and all my hogs, to be holden and used at her Own discretion, to her and her heirs forever, also I lend to her my said plantation and houses I now possess with all the profits and advantages thereunto appertaining during the time fo her widowhood.

Item I give and bequeath to my Son Jepthah Robeson at the time of the expiration of my wife's widowhood the plantation whereon I now live and all the lower part of my lands with all the profits and appertenancies thereunto belonging, which part is now divided off from the upper part by a line of new marked trees beginning at an old Corner pine Stump, on the woods Side of my Land; thence running a strait course across my land to the sasafrass Island cornering on a Maple, 3 chafs on my Creek line, the management ordering and disposing of the profits of which I and I leave in the care and power of my executors until the time of my said Jepthah Robeson shall arrive to the age of twenty five years and not for my said Son to have the power and disposal of the same until he shall arrive to the said age of twenty five years, but then to his and his heirs forever after my wifes enjoying the same during the time of her widowhood I also give to my said Son Jepthah my horse Cole to be fully posessed at the time of his coming of the age of twenty one years to him and his heirs forever and also one feather bed and furniture.

Item I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Robeson the remaining and upper part of my Lands with all and Singular the rights members heridaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him and his heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath unto each of my eight Children John Robeson, Thomas Robeson, Leggitt Robeson, Christian Chambers, William Robeson and Obediance Gibson and Sally Usery & Mary Usery the sum of five Shillings Sterling to be raised out of my present estate & paid to them by my executors. My will and desire is that my Executors should make sale of my Still, and out of the money arising from the sale thereof pay all my Just debts, and that they divide the Overplus of the same equally Amongst my three sons, William, Samuel & Jepthah Robeson And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint My Trusty & well beloved friends & Step sons William Adams, John Adams and Shockly Adams, Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other Wills and testaments at any time heretofore by me made, and ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament in Witness thereof I the said Luke Robeson have hereunto set My hand and Seal this Seventh day of September in the Year of Our Lord on thousand eight hundred and Twelve.

Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared By the said Luke Robeson to be his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who at this request and in his presence have hereunto subscribed our names as witness.

(his)Luke X Robeson(mark)

What I know/don't know:

1. I don't know Luke's birth date. He was probably born in Spotsylvania Co VA.
2. There is a 100% yDNA match between Luke Robinson and Thomas Robinson Sr descendants.
3. The first record I've found for Luke is a Lord Granville 550A Land Grant issued in Granville Co NC which says Luke entered the land in 1755. In 1757 this land on SS Hico Crk was surveyed on 28 Jan 1757. The land was on the County line adj John Pryor. Lawrence Rambo, John Ussery CB. This LG ended up in Orange Co NC.
4. In 1755 a Thomas Robinson is found in the Granville Co Tax List living almost adj Phillip Pryor. John and Phillip Pryor were brothers and the sons of Robert Pryor and Eliz Green out of Ware Par, Gloucester Co VA. Notice below that John Pryor had also lived in the same area as Thomas Robinson before his move.

1. Pg 433 Edgecombe Co NC John Pryor of Edgecombe Co NC to Samuel Hackney of Edgecombe Co NC 13 Dec 1752 L200 338A joining George Goodwin and 200A joining the other tract, William Williams, Bevardam swamp and William Kinchen and is land John Lane bought of Nathaniel Cooper 19 Feb 1744. Wit: John Pope, Sherrod Haywood, James Lane. Reg Edgecombe Co NC May Ct 1753.
2. William Williams is listed in the 1755 Granville Co NC Militia list as a Sergeant in Cpt Andrew Hampton's Company. Thomas Robinson was also listed as a Sergeant in this company.
3. 5 Sep 1755 Lawrence Rambo of Orange Co NC deeded 100A on BS Castle Crk to John Pryor for L10. Orange Co NC DB 1 Pg 33.
4. In 1757 Luke was ordered to pay a fine in Lunenberg Co VA for disorderly conduct in the Clerks office.

1751 Granville Co NC Road Order: "...September the 3rd 1751...ordered that Paul Harrelson, Lawrence Rambow, David Staplon, James Hendrick, John Horley, William Chambers, William W. Coore, Robert Bumpass, James Shearman, Ephriam Merrit, Richard Gibbs, George Morris, Thomas Roberson, Josias Dickson, Michel Dickson, Hugh Dobbin lay out a road the best and most convenient way the end of the road near Mitchel's Quarter thence crossing Mayo near Gordon's, Hico near Serjants and from thence to be continued to the upper inhabitants and that the inhabitants below and near the upper side of the road open and maintain the same and that John Gordon be appointed overseer of the road below Mayo Creek and William Chambers Esq. of the upper part...Dan Weldon C.C. ...given under my hand this 8th day of Oct 1751...Jonathen White..." Document is signed by: William Chambers, Paul Harralson, William Sargant, Josias Dickson, John Sharman, Thomas Robson, James Hendrick, George Morris, John Horly, Lawrance Rambo, Richard Gibbs, Hugh Dobbins." Click here for a copy.

John and Phillip Pryor had a brother named Luke. Is this where the Luke name came from?

Nr 4 above is often used to show that Luke Robinson was born and came out of Lunenburg Co VA. I believe it was nothing more than Luke accompanying his father-in-law, Wm Ussery, back to Lunenburg Co VA so Wm Ussery could complete some unfinished business he had in Lunenburg Co. Wm Ussery was in Lunenburg Co VA prior to entering NC. In 1756 Wm Ussery had a LG adj Michel Dickson (see Nr 2 above).

5. Luke Robinson was married in 1756 to Wm Usserys dau Christian. Luke was living almost adj Wm Ussery in 1755 in Orange Co NC.

6. In 1758 Thomas Robinson sells the last remaining land he has in Granville Co NC. In this deed he says he is from Orange Co NC.

Note: These two Orange Co NC court records are for the same Thomas Robinson:

Thomas Goss is granted administration on the estate of his brother William Goss, dec'd. Bond L200. Securities: Thomas Robinson, James Couch, Edward Stone. Folio 65 Pg 129 Orange Co NC Ct Dec 1757.

Thomas Robinson of Orange Co was allowed one pound two shillings and six pence for provisions for the Indians. NC Colonial records for Friday 2 Dec 1758.

7. On 2 Jan 1761 Luke Roberson of Granville Co records his 550A Lord Granville LG. Notice he says he is out of Granville Co NC.

Note: In 1755 Laurence Rambo of Orange sold to John Pryor of same 100A on BS Castle Crk, a branch of the Hico beg at John Pryor's corner. Castle Crk is in Persons Co NC today. This is where Luke Robinson had his LG on Hico Crk. William Ussery also had a LG of 640A on Mayo Crk that he entered on 11 Nov 1755. This LG was on Marlowe Crk which is adj to Castle Crk.

8. In 1764 Luke Robertson sold to John Camp 402A on Middle Fork of Little River.

Note: This was a Lord Granville LG to Nathaniel Walton on 15 Jul 1760 and Walton sold it to Luke Robertson in 1764. I've never found this deed however it is referenced several times when John Camp, who Luke sold it to, sold it. Middle fork of the Little Riv would have been south of Luke's land on Hico Crk but in the same general area.

In 1768 Hillsborough Orange Co NC: Luke delivered letter demanding relief from high taxation to Governor William Tryon.

9. In 1769 Luke Robertson of Anson Co NC sells to Rodger Atkinson of Dunwoody (Dinwiddie) Co VA for L30 200A on County Line adj Rodger Atkinson's corner. Part of tract from Granville to Robertson 1759. S/Luke (X) Robertson. Wit Malcolm Usary, Wm Usary. Recorded DB 3 Pg 281 26 Dec 1769.

Note: I've never found where Luke sold the remaining part of his LG but he is clearly in Anson Co NC by this time.

10. 1 May 1771: On Pay Role of Capt Lawrence Thompson's Co Inlisted [sic] the 1st Day of May 1771 Discharged the 29th June Following: Luke Robeson 72 Days Paid 6 pounds.

11. Luke's will says this: " eight Children John Robeson, Thomas Robeson, Leggitt Robeson, Christian Chambers, William Robeson and Obediance Gibson and Sally Usery & Mary Usery...". I have listed his children in that order below.

Montgomery County NC Historical Map: "In 1768 Luke Robinson took a land grant at the confluence of Cheeks Creek and Little River. He was a mill owner, a Whig, active in regulator affairs. A conservative leader at the riots at Anson Courthouse and Hillsboro. He raised petitions and personally presented them to Governor Tryon. In 1771 he served in Capt. Laurence Thompson militia company - looking for regulators. Sept. 15, 1781 Robinson farm was the rendezvous for the militia callup of Gen. Griffith Rutherford 905 infantrymen and 200 calvary reported. Two troops assigned to Capt. Simmons of Rowan and Capt. Graham of Mecklenburg. Calvary to Maj. Robert Smith of Mecklenburg. A few days at Robinson, then two weeks training at Monroe Bridge. Then down Drowning Creek to McFall Mill and the famous "Hacking Battle" of Raft Swamp. This settled Tory activities completely and finally."

I've never found one transaction between Luke Robinson and the Thomas Robinson who d bef May 1794 in Rutherford Co NC. But consider this:

1. Luke named a son Thomas. Perhaps a second son.
2. The Luke name shows up for several generations in the Thomas Robinson (Rutherford Co) family.
3. Luke's son Thomas was left property in Luke's will long after the Thomas Robinson in Rutherford Co NC was dead, so he can't be Luke's son.
4. Thomas Robinson of Rutherford Co NC son Thomas Robinson Jr goes to Jasper Co GA at the same time Luke's son John Robinson moves to Jasper Co. They live almost adj each other and their children have many of the same names.

Tracking the Thomas Robinson in Rutherford Co NC back to the Thomas Robinson in Orange Co NC is difficult. There just aren't any records that show these two guys are father and son or even related. The Thomas Robinson in Granville Co NC was clearly the Thomas Robinson found in the 1735 deed in Brunswick Co VA. Prior to that he was in Spotsylvania Co VA. Thomas Roberson and his wife Mary sold this land in 1745 and on this deed he said he was from Edgecombe Co NC. He is the only Thomas Robinson in Edgecombe Co NC at this time. In 1747 he buys 400A from Isaac Ricks. He later sells this land in two parcels with the second parcel being sold in 1758 when he says he is from Orange Co NC.

After Brunswick Co VA Thomas Robinson is found in Edgecombe Prec of Bertie Co NC in 1733.

In early Anson Co NC there is a Thomas Robinson found on the SS of the Catawba Riv in 1749 with several LG's. These would have been in Gaston Co NC today. From 1753 until 1761 there isn't one record for a Thomas Robinson west of the Catawba Riv. Starting in 1762 I can show a straight line in the records to the Thomas Robinson who died in Rutherford Co NC. Whether the earlier Thomas Robinson is the one found after 1761 is unclear.

Luke married Christian Ussery daughter of William Thomas Ussery and Sarah Bayes c1756 in Lunenburg Co VA. Christian Ussery died between 1781 and 1783 in Richmond Co or Montgomery Co NC. Luke married second Obedience Legett Adams b c1740 (Widow of Wm Adams) between 25 July 1784 & 28 Mar 1785 d 1810.

Luke Robinson and Christian Ussery children (in orange numbers):

1. John Robinson b 6 May 1756 NC d 9 Nov 1815 Jasper Co GA m? Lydia b c1764 d 29 Jun 1844 Jasper Co GA.
Note: John Robinson WAS NOT out of Chowan Co NC and his wife's surname was not Brinn.
John and Lydia children (in green numbers):
   1. Christian Robinson (female) b 1779 NC d 1872 Fulton Co GA married Clinton Webb.
   2. Luke Jesse Robinson (Baptist min) b 22 June 1781 NC d 13 Feb 1851 Newton Co GA. M Nancy Malcom b 1796 d 1890
   3. Lucy Robinson b 1782 NC d 2 Oct 1866 Marietta Cobb Co GA m 17 Oct 1806 Oglethorpe Co GA Alexander Northcutt.
   4. John Robinson Jr b 10 April 1786 Richmond Co NC d 14 Jun 1857 Jasper Co GA m 6 Jul 1813 Jasper Co GA Mary Knox Crowe (or Croll). Children:
      1. James C b GA m Indiana E
      2. John L b Feb 22 1822 d 13 Oct 1890 m Sara Jane Potter
      3. Martha Ann b 24 Dec 1820 GA d 6 Sep 1884 Jasper Co GA m 1839 Samuel J. Wilburn b 1811 d 1904
      4. William C MD b 24 Jul 1824 Jasper Co GA d 26 Nov 1857 Jasper Co GA m Sarah Frances Morgan
   5. William Robinson b 1788 NC m 3 Sep 1813 Jasper Co GA Polly Williams.
   6. Lydia Robinson b 1790 NC M/1? Wm New M/2 10 Apr 1810 Jasper Co GA Chesley Burks.
   7. Martha Patsy Robinson b 24 May 1793/4 Jasper Co GA d 1834 Talbot Co GA m 19 Sep 1813 James Lyon Burks.
   8. Jesse Jones Robinson b 1797 NC Rutherford Co NC d 1862 Sabine TX m 22 Mar 1825 Jasper Co GA Sara McDougall.
   9. Angelina Robinson M/1 ______ Johnson M/2 1822 Guy Warwick Smith.
2. Thomas b 22 Jul 1757 NC d 5 May 1823.
3. Christian Robinson (female) b c1759 NC d 1816 Washington Co TN m? Josiah Chambers b 1775 Anson Co NC d 1828 Rankin Co MS. Moved to TN then Washington Co MS.
4. William Robinson b c1760 NC d ?. May have gone to Hinds Co MS with sister Christian.
5. Obedience Robinson b? d? m? Nelson Gibson b c1757.
6. Sally Robinson b? d? m? Ussery.
7. Mary Robinson b c1764 d c1820 Chesterfield Co SC married c1788 Thomas Slay son of Thomas Slay and Frances Ricketts. In Butts Co GA 1828. Children:
   1. Wm B b 1789 Anson Co NC
   2. Nathaniel b 1794-1800
   3. Daniel R b 1795 SC
8. Leggett Robinson b c1784 (1840 Chambers Co AL census) d 1851 Union Co AR m? Elizabeth Bennett
9. Samuel Robinson b c1785 SC d c1868 ?Fayette Co GA
10. Jepthah Robinson b 1791 SC d? m? Ann Hamer 1803-1841. Children:
   1. Mary Jane Robertson b 1834 d 1892 Tyler Smith Co TX m John Curtis
   2. John H. Robertson 1829 lived Basque Co TX. 1863 New Orleans LA m Adeline Gray