Thomas Robinson

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Notes on Surry and Isle of Wight Co's VA Robinson's

Did any of the Robinson's found in early Prince George Co and Brunswick Co VA come from Surry or Isle of Wight Co's VA? The following will try and answer that question.

One note on the spelling of the Robinson name. All the records listed are from County records and are not originals. Court Clerks tended to be less than accurate when recording the original documents into the County records. Location is perhaps the best determiner on whether you have the same individual and not necessarily how the name was spelled.
Surry Co VA
Land in present day Surry Co VA traces its history as follows:
1634 James City Co VA formed from New Kent Co VA
1635 first patent located thus far in present day Surry Co VA
1652 Surry Co formed from James City Co VA
1691 King and Queen formed from New Kent Co VA
1701 King William formed from King and Queen Co VA
1721 Spotsylvania Co formed from Essex, King & Queen and King William Co's VA
1732 Brunswick formed from western part of Surry Co VA

Thomas Waller
See Wallers of Spotsylvania Co VA

Thomas Waller was the son of John Waller 1645-1723 and Mary Pomfrett 1648-2 Sep 1735.

1673 Cavaliers & Pioneers p134 Henry Batts and Jno Sturdivant transported a Thomas Waller James City Co VA.

Note: John Sturdivant and Thomas Bats wit admin of Chris Robinson will 31 Aug 1663 Henrico Co VA. Vol 1 p21 Henrico Co VA Court Rec.

1678 Cavaliers & Pioneers p186 Arthur Allen transported a Thomas Waller to Surry Co VA.

1674-1703 Thomas Waller is listed on a tithable/tax list in Surry Co VA. Age requirement was 16 years or older.

1701 tax list has Thomas Waller and John Waller.
1702 tax list has Thomas Waller listed as Sr with Thomas Waller listed as Jr.
1703 tax list has Thomas Waller and John Waller.

Taxing Districts Thomas Waller is found in: 1674-1680 Lawnes Crk; 1681 Blackwater; 1682 Lawnes Crk; 1683 Blackwater; 1684-1687 Lawnes Crk; 1688-1690 Southwark Parish; 1691 Gray's Crk; 1692 Southwark Parish; 1693-1697 Middle Southwark; 1698 Southwark Parish; 1699 Lawnes Crk; 1700 Upper Lawnes Crk; 1701-1703 Lawnes Crk

See Magazine of VA Genealogy Surry Co VA Taxables by Forrest D King.

20 Apr 1682 Book 7 p133 Thomas Waler [Waller] 420a the blackwater brs. in the lower parish of Surry Co.

20 Apr 1682 "I Thomas Waller have assigned my Thomas Benbrig..."
Note: On 20 Apr 1682 Thomas Waller sold 200a to Thomas Benridge and it was recorded ? 15 Nov 1684. Wit: Richard Jorden Jr and Elizabeth Jorden.

3 Mar 1684/5 Surry Co Deed bk 3 p17 from Thomas Waller to Thomas Bebbrig... On the back of a patent for 400a granted Thomas Waller.

1687 Thomas Waller served in the Surry Co VA militia.

29 May 1688 Surry Co Deed bk 4 p48 Richard Piland of IOW Co and wife, Elinor Piland to Thomas Waller of Surry Co 200a in the upper parish on the NW side of Pigion Swamp adj John Collins and said Piland. Wit: John (X) Lewis, Thomas (X) Phillips and Margaret (X) Lewis.

6 Jan 1690 Surry Co Deed bk 4 p176 Thomas Waller and wife, Mary Waller, to Joseph Tharpe for 1000 pounds tabacco 100a on NW side of Pidgeon Swamp in the upper parish adj land formerly purchased by me from Richard Piland of IOW Co and more land of the said Piland. Wit: Timothy Walker and Sion Hill. S/Thomas Waller, Mary (X) Waller.

20 Apr 1694 Surry Co Deed bk 5 p3 Bond of Lawrence Fleming. Wit: Thomas Waller and Mary (X) Waller.

1 Apr 1699 Surry Co Deed bk 5 p168 Thomas Waller and wife, Mary Waller, to Joseph Thorpe of Lawnes Crk Parish...(it appears Waller has already shold Thorpe 100a, part of the 200 tract and is now selling him the other 100a). Wit: Hugh Huniford and William Huniford. s/Thomas Waller and Mary (X) Waller.

1704 Pulistone, John: leg - Bequest to wife, Ann, assigns to wife, Ann, Power of Attorney from Mrs. Alice Stanford, widow, of London and Administration of Mr. Anthony Stranford, of London, merchant, 12 Sep 1669. Wit: Thomas Waller, Alice Waller, Mary Waller. Made 15 May 1704 Prob 2 Sep 1704 Bk 5 p374.

1707 Surry Co VA Order Book p299-300. Court held at Southwark 2 Sep 1707. The last will and testament of John Puleston was proved by the oathes of Thomas Waller and Mary Waller and a probate thereof granted Anne Puleston [Widow] Extrix.

18 Nov 1707 Surry Co Deed bk5 p383 Thomas Waller states that 3 years since Mr. William Chambers asked him to write a Bill of Sale for an Indian slave name Nead sold by him to Mr. Richard Byghton. s/Thomas Waller and Thomas Tornor (?Turner).

1713 Grant bk 10 Land Grant 340a. 18/19 May 1714 Surry Co Deed bk6 p204 Thomas Waller of Lawnes Creek Parish to Robert Caufield of the same con 5 shillings re 140a on S side of main Blackwater Swamp (part of patent for 340a granted sd Waller 13 November 1713 being the lower end of the patent) adj Mirtle Spring. Mary Waller, wife of Thomas Waller, relinquished her Right of Dower. Wit: John Allen and William Bridger.

Thomas Waller's brother was John Waller who married Dorothy King in Spotsylvania Co VA.

Thomas Waller married:
Mary Dodkins b ??? dau of Rowland Reynolds and Mary Trigges.
Thomas and Mary Waller's children:

1. John Waller b 1685 d 1762 Halifax Co VA m? Anne Clark b?1717 d?1778

Will of John Waller: 20 Jan 1762 proved Mar Ct 1762. Will lends negroes to wife Ann for natural life and then part to son Hardress, part to children living at wife's death; dau. Mary Witley, son Robert who is not yet fifteen, Susey, Marthew, Catey, Bessey, Nancy, and William; also "brother Robert Waller of Norfolk town." Wife Ann is Extrx. Wit: Seth Pryor, Thomas Butcher, Luke Pryor, John Pryor. Halifax WB 1, p. 50.

2. Thomas Waller Jr b 1686 d bef 29 Dec 1750 ?m Mary Reynolds d c19 March 1750. Had son named Edmund.
3. William Waller b?1690 d?
4. Katherine Waller b?1692 d?
5. Sarah Waller b?1694 d?
6. Mary Waller b?1696 m ?Thomas Robinson
7. Elsie Waller b?1698 d?
8. Elizabeth Waller b?1700 d?

Note: To understand why I've assigned Thomas Robinson to this Mary Waller, you need to see his interaction with the Waller family in Spotsylvania Co VA. I've found no record that supports this assumption. I know for certain his first wife was named Mary. See the Brunswick Co VA deed where she releases her dower rights.

Thomas Waller's Will:
Leg. Son, Thomas Waller to pay all debts, and have pewter bason pewter plates, pewter porringer. To son, Wm. Waller, 400 lbs. of tobacco. son, John Waller, one-half my wearing clothes, 200 lbs. of tobacco and hogs. To two daughters, Katherine and Sarah Waller, beds and furniture, hogs, cows etc. Daughter, Mary, 10 shillings. Daughter, Elise, 5 shillings. Daughter, Elizabeth, 5 shillings. All the rest of my estate to my five children: John, Thomas, William, Katherine and Sarah. Thos. Waller, Exer. Wit: Wm Drew, Wm Allen. 1 Feb 1720. Prob 19 Apr 1721. Bk 7 Surry Co VA.

Note: My guess on the will would be: Katherine and Sarah aren't married when Thomas Waller dies. Mary, Elise and Elizabeth are married and living else where. John, Thomas and William still live very close by.

Name Born Died Married Known Children
John Waller 1645
Mary Pomfrett
B: 1648
New Port, Pagnell
Buckinghamshire Eng
D: 2 Sep 1735
St Geo Par
Spotsylvania Co VA
M: 13 Jan 1669
dau of ???
William B 24 Sep 1671 M Eliz Savile
Col John B 23 Feb 1673 M Dorothy King
Mary B 23 May 1674 M Edw Herndon
Thomas B 17 Oct 1675 D 1721
Stephen B 24 Nov 1676
Edmund B 3 Feb 1680
James B 25 May 1683
Jemina B 31 Aug 1684
Benjamin B ? D 1678
Thomas Waller 1610
Ann Keate
B: 1615
D: 1707
M: Abt 1630
dau of
John Keate
Bridget Harris
John 1645-1723

Andrew Robinson
See: Andrew Robinson Lineage
VPB 1 p572 date 21 May 1638 patent to William Carter transportation of 20 persons into this Colony Avis Turtley, Ann Mathis, Alice Croxon, Wm Athersn or Acherson, Andrew Robinson, Richard Cooke, Fr. Bick, Richard Bick, Alice Watkins, Alice Johnsons, Eliz. Johnson, Henry Snow, Nich. Barnett, Edward Bland, Math Briste, John Bell, Hercules Messenger, Tho. Streete, Wm. Higgenson, Rose Hill. 1000a in the Countie of James Cittie; distant about 3 miles from James River; loc at a Reedy Swamp butting East Southerly over the said Swampe; Westerly into the maine woods; Northerly into the bay tree Neck w Bay Tree Neck.

1653: And: [Andrew] Robbinson and Dorothy Kew are bound to Alex Mabrick in the sum of 40M lbs of tobacco for keeping Dorothy and the child of the said Dorothy and other charges. Wit: Thos. Culmer, Charles Barham, Sac Brewster.

1660: Siscillea Dunston, Jno. Dunston, and Pheleg Duston to Andrew Robinson and his wife Ann Robinson, 50A being a part of a 550A parcel “on the head of [Lower] Chipoke Creek bounding easterly on the land of Marjor Shepard…” Ack in court 3 Sept 1661 and “by Andrew Robinson made over in court to George Blow”. Surry Co DB 1 Pg 170 11 Oct 1660.

NOTES: It's very likely Ciecely Dunston was a Green. See the following reasons:
1. The list of people living in VA on 16 Feb 1623 listed a Sisley Greene in James City Co VA.
2. On 17 Dec 1671 a John Solway of Lawnes Crk Par sells 200A on SS of the James River and on the WS of head of Lawnes Crk Par adj to May Hill, Richard Draw [Drew] by cow path betwixt Capt Bakers and the new mill. Same obtained by Katherine Green, dec'd, by indenture, 51 Oct last from John Dunston and Mary Reddick, co-heirs of Peter Green, dec’d.
3. James Reddick married 1652 Surry Co VA Mary Dunston.
4. 1639: John Dunston LG 20 May 1639 250A in Hogg Island main East upon the land of Robert Sheppard. James City Co VA Bk 1 Pg 647.
5. 1639: John Dunston LG 20 May 1639 600A 20 May 1639 600A in Hogg Island main beg upon a valley coming out of the great swamp callled the Arrow reed swamp. John Dunston transported twelve persons into this Colony James City Co: Thomas Woodall, Jon Garrett, Marmaduke Kitson, ffra. ffurbush, Eliz Sames, Winifred Newell, Rose? Hill, Rich Sharp, Edward ....., Wm Coledge, Martin Hamond, John Harcock. VA Bk 1 Pg 647.

1661: Vestry of Lawnes Creek Parish: Mr Arthur Allen, Lt. Col. Wm Caulfield, Mr Randall Holt, Mr Austin Hunnicutt, Mr Charles Barham, Mr Edward Pettway, Mr Andrew Robinson, Mr Richard Drew, Mr Jno Clay. Surry Co VA Bk 1 Pg 42 24 May 1661.

1661: Andrew Robinson to Jno Clay for 99 years lease 50A of land. On the backside of this lease was written that Roger Archer married the relict and Executrix of Jno Clay, late of IOW Co, exor. of John Clay Sr, dec'd, sells to Arthur Allen of Surry Co all their rights and calim to the 50A. S/Robert Archer, Mary Archer. Wit: Wm Edwards, Fra Mason. Surry Co VA DB II, Pg 241 31 May 1678.

1663: Charles Barham, Gent, of Lawne's Creek Parish 300A on Hog Island which was willed to him by heirs in England. Wit: Wm Cockerham, Andrew Robinson, David Williams. 2 Feb 1663 Surry Co VA.

1663: Indenture of Andrew Robinson and wife Ann to William Cockerham and Charles Barham 350A of land, patent to sd Robinson and Peleg Dunston. Wit: Geo Watkins, Rich. Foanes. 20 Jul 1663.

1663: Andrew Robinson and Peleg Dunston LG Surry Co VA containing 350A adj Major Sheppard's being on a branch of Black Water and the Indian path for transporting 7 persons. 20 Jul 1663.

1. Andrew Robinson married Ann, dau of John Dunston and Ciecely. Ann may have died before 1659. Peleg Dunston was his brother-in-law.
2. Andrew Robinson transported 1635 to Henrico Co VA by Wm Carter and then in 1638 transported to James City Co VA by Wm Carter.
3. A Richard Robinson can be found in Indian Thickett on the list of early VA Pioneers in 1623/4. Richard Robinson could either be the father or brother of Andrew Robinson. Andrew Robinson named a son Richard.
4. John Dunston came from England to the colony of Virginia before 1623 and was living on Hog Island James City Co VA (now Surry County). In 1633 he is listed as one of the 31 surviving persons living there. In 1636 he received a LG for transporting his wife Cicely and 16 others.
5. Andrew Robinson married second Anne Shortland who was a widow. Married record is dtd 25 Sep 1659 Surry Co VA. The records are somewhat confusing and Anne Shortland could have been the dau of John and Ciecely Dunston and when Anne Shortland's husband died she then married Andrew Robinson. See next.
6. Surry Co VA Ct Records Bk 1, 1652-1663 24 Jan 1659 Andrew Robinson contracted matrimoney with Anne Shortland and before the marriage of Andrew Robinson and Anne Shortland, widdow, Anne did give son Ralph Shortland one mare foal which was to have been delivered 1659 but in lieu of delivery Andrew and Anne gives one black cow, one brindled heifer, on yearling heifer and all their female increase. Witnesses: Ralph Dunston and Charles Barham.
7. See Albemarle Co NC and then Chowan Co NC for a continuation of Andrew Robinson's family.

1666: Andrew Robinson of Surry Co VA wit Power of Attorney for Francis Mason of James City Co VA.

1. John Robinson arrived VA 1622 at the age of 21 on the Margaret and John. He was listed in Francis Mason's Eliz City Co VA muster in 1624. Richard Robinson, aged 22, listed in John Sweete muster as a servant Eliz City Co VA. John appears to have gone to Norfolk Co VA after Eliz City.
2. William Sweat claimed payment in court in March 1671 for looking after Susan Robinson's horses Surry Court Records II:305; III:2.
3. William Sweat was taxable in Francis Mason's Surry County household in Lower Chipoakes, Lawnes Creek Parish, in 1674 and 1675.

1668: Andrew Robinson listed with 3 "tythables from ye Colledge to Smiths forte".

1671: Andrew Robinson overseer with Peleg Dunston of gift of a mare colt to Susanna Robinson by her grandmother Sicelye Dunston in her will... loving brother John Dunston to take in his care the mare and increase, etc. Wit: Francis Gower and Henry Lucas. Surry Co VA Ct Rec Bk 1 Pg 386 7 Jul 1671.

1672: Andrew Robinson power atty to Wm. Seward to secure certain horses, etc., some of which have been sold by John Dunston who had no right to them. Wit: David Williams, Matthew Magnes.

1672: Richard Robinson, orphan of Andrew Robinson bound to John Dunfield until 21. Wit: Roger Potter, Samuel Thompson. Surry Co VA Bk 2 pg 21 1672.

1672: Cotton Robinson listed as "about 19 years of age". Bk 2 Pg 17 6 May 1672.

1673: Surry Co VA Tithables Lawnes Crk Par: Andrew Robinson.

1674 Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. Andrew Robinson Lawnes Crk Par.
2. Cotten Robinson listed in the household of David Anderson Southwark Par.

1675: Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. Cotten Robinson listed in the household of Wm Edwards. Also listed are Wm Hill and Wm Rugsby. Southwark Par.
2. Andrew Robinson Lawnes Crk Par.

1676: Ordered that Mr Wm Newsum and Jno. Price appraise the estate of Andrew Robinson, dec'd, upon petiton by Ann Robinson, dtd 2 May 1676. Surry Co VA Court Orders 1671-1691 Pg 124.

1678: Wm Newsum and Mathew Swann ordered to take Inventory of Estate of Ann Robinson. Surry Co VA Court Order 2 Jan 1678.

NOTE: Both Andrew and Ann died intestate.

1682: Surry Co VA Tithables Lawnes Crk Par: Jno Robinson listed "at Rbt Parke".

1683 Surry Co VA Tithables Lawnes Crk Par: Jno Robinson listed as "by Mrs Rbt Parke."

NOTE: Mrs Rbt Parke may have been the wife of Rev Rbt Parke who preached at the Upper parish of the Lawne’s Creek Church in 1680.

1684: Surry Co VA Tithables Lawnes Crk Par: Jno Robinson and Henry Reynolds listed with James Reddick.

1685: Surry Co VA Tithables Lawnes Crk Par: Jno Robinson listed with James Reddick.

1686: Surry Co VA Tithables Lawnes Crk Par: Jno Robinson listed with James Reddick.

1687: Surry Co VA Tithables Lawnes Crk Par: Jno Robinson listed with Charles Gutrich [Goodrich].

1687: Edward Bayly LG 220A beginning and extending on the NS the little marsh being one of Christopher Fosters corner trees and land off Bayly's land formerly belonging to Col George Jordan for transporting David Scot and Luke Robinson. Recorded 20 April 1687 Surry Co VA.

This Luke Robinson is probably the father of Thomas Robinson Sr.

1. Christopher Robinson and John Sturdivant patent 600A on 23 Feb 1652 on Hatcher's Run of Swift Creek for transporting Wm Hayward and his wife Elianor, John Kendall, James Hewes, James Sturdey, Rbt Kinge, Edw Bayly, Thos Edwards and Hester Paulivin. This was the same area Christopher Robinson had land in Charles City Co VA.
2. John Bayly had 736A in 1687 Varina Par on the NS James Riv beg at Henry Pruett and John Field to Gilley's Crk on Samuel Bridgewater. 20 Apr 1687 Pg 560 Henrico Co VA.
3. John Robinson in 1703 had 831A on NS James Riv at a place known as Gilley's Crk at John Bayly's for transporting Hugh Edwards, James Evans, Mary Horney, Martha Floyd and 13 rights paid to Wm Byrd. 24 Apr 1703 Pg 521 Henrico Co VA.
4. George Jordan's will dtd 25 Feb 1677 Surry Co VA says "my nephew, Edward Bayly" and also lists Christopher Foster, a nephew. Mary Jordan, sister of George Jordan, married Arthur Bayly. Christopher Foster may have been the son of James Foster. Edw Bayly wit the 1710 will of Christopher Foster.
5. 1636: Wm Green was transported by Arthur Bayly. Bayly rec'd land in Henrico Co for this transportation.

1687: Apprenticeship of Richard Robinson, orphan of Andrew Robinson, decd, to Charles Goodrich (to learn carpentry) until he shall come of age. Wit: John Edwards and Ann (X) Peanaday [prob Pettway]. S/Charles Goodridge. Surry Co VA Deed Bk 4 Pg 142 10 Mar 1687.

NOTE: Edward Goodrich was the son of Charles Goodrich who took in Richard Robinson in Surry Co VA. Edwards dau Mary married Roger Tillman son of Geo Tillman and Mary House. Geo was the son of Roger Tillman. Nicholas Robyson second wife was Jane Tillman dau of Roger and Susannah Hunt Parham Tillman. When Susannah wrote her will she mentions sons Thomas Parham, Geo and John Tillman, dau Jane Robinson and Christian Abernathy.

1688: Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. John Robinson is listed with James and Robert Reddick. Lower Lawnes Crk Par.
2. Richard Robinson listed with Charles Goodrich. Lower Lawnes Crk Par.

1689: Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. Jno Robinson is listed with Robert Randall and Thomas Swann. Southwark Par.
2. Richard Robinson is listed with Charles Guttridge [Goodrich]. Blackwater Par.

1690: Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. James Robinson is listed with Thomas Davis. Southwark Par.
2. Richard Robinson is listed with Charles Guttridge [Goodrich]. Blackwater Par.

1691: Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. James Robinson is listed with Thomas Davis. Southwark Par.
2. Richard Robinson is listed with Charles Goodrich. Lawnes Crk Par.

1692: Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. Richard Robinson is listed with Charles Goodrich. Lawnes Crk Par.
2. James Robinson is listed with Thomas Davis. Southwark Par.

1693: Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. Richard Robinson is listed with James Reddick, Geo Reddick and Jno Bell. Lawnes Crk Par.
2. James Robinson is found with Wm Gray. Middle Southwark Par.

1694: Surry Co VA Tithables Middle Southwark Par: James Robinson is found with Thomas Davis.

1695: Surry Co VA Tithables:
1. Richard Robinson. Lawnes Crk Par.
2. James Robertson listed with Thomas Davis. Middle Southwark Par.

1697: James Robinson decd, intestate. Est admin Thomas Davis. Wit: Wm Gray, Wm Foster. Surry Co VA Bk 5 Pg 138.

1. Thomas Robinson leases and releases 150 acres in 1735 from William Toms and wife Margaret of St Andrew Parish. Land is located on the NS of the Roanoke River in Clemens line. Part of a grant to John Davis and sold to Toms. Witnesses to deed are Cornelius Keith, Samuel (B) Buckstone, William Jinkines. Deed recorded 4/5 Feb 1735/6 Pg 269-71 Brunswick Co VA Deeds.
2. John Davis has land on Sturgeon Crk in Brunswick Co VA at the same time as John Roberson of Brunswick.

1697: Surry Co VA Tithables Upper Southwark Par: Christopher Robertson.

1702: Wm Thomas and wife Elizabeth Thomas of Isle of Wight Co to Joseph Tharp of Surry Co 50A. Wit: Robert Reddick, Robert Tharp, Richard (X) Robbinson. Rec 27 Nov 1702. S/Wm Thomas and Elizabeth Thomas. Surry Co VA Deed Bk 5 Pg 252 3 Nov 1702.

NOTE: James Reddick married 1652 Surry Co VA Mary Dunston. Robert Reddick is probably their son.

1711: Nathaniel Robertson, decd, intestate. Thos Freeman Admin. Appraised by James Sammon, John Hawthorne, Thos Thrower. Surry Co VA Bk 6 Pg 79.

1. Jun 1711 Surry Co Ct Pg 368 "Thos. Freeman and Jane his wife, relict of Nathll. Robertson came into Court and made oath that the said Nathll Robertson departed this life without making any Will so far as they know or believe."
2. Jun 1711 Surry Co Ct Pg 370 "Nicholas Maggett and James Sammon presenting themselves securitys for Thos. Freeman's due Admn. of the Estate of Nathaniel Robertson deced. were accepted and gave bond accordingly."
3. 7 Jul 1714 Surry Co VA DB 6 Pg 202 Robert Hathorne [Hawthorne] to John Hathorne [Hawthorne] land at Jones Hole Swamp and bounded by James Sammons, the Colledge Land and John Freeman. Rec 21 Jul 1714 Surry Co VA.
4. A Nathaniel Robertson wit deed assigned to Wm Brodnax by estate of James Chudleigh, dec'd, 6 Apr 1709 James City Co VA.
5. 3 Nov 1713 Thomas Throur [Thrower] of Southwarke Par Surry Co to Lewis Green of Bristol Par Prince George Co for 5 shillings 150A on Jones Hole Swamp in Southwarke Par adj Freemans Branch, Henry Mitchell and sd Lewis Green.
6. 1704 VA Rent Rolls list Nath. Robinson Prince George Co.
7. Prince George Co Records Bk B A-27 Temperance Robertson Inventory 20 Jan 1710 value L14.4.0. appraised by Instance Hall, Cha. ( ) Gillam and Tho. Lizour. Sworn before Robert Munford. On 13 Feb 1710 inventory was presented by Xtopher Robertson and ordered recorded.

1714: Will of Thomas Wynne dtd 18 Feb 1714 wit by John Robertson, John Hicks, William Moor.

Note: Mary Wynne, dau of Thomas Wynne, married Nathaniel Malone.

1722: Christopher Robinson LG 80A on the NS of Nottaway River beginning of a branch of Southwestern Swamp and a corner of William Maloons [Malone] land. 18 February 1722.

1. Location of Southwest or Southwestern Swamp.
2. 17 Jun 1731 Wm Rose to Thomas Rose (torn) 130A on BS Myrey Br and SS main Blackwater Swamp. Wit: Charles Gee, Samuel Magett. S/William Rose. Rec 16 Jun 1731 Surry Co VA.
3. Thomas Robinson adj a Thomas Rose in Granville Co NC.

1727: Nathaniel Robboson to Henry Gawler for L15 80A near the NS of Nottoway Riv (being land granted on 18 Feb 1722 to Christopher Robboson, decd, the father of the said Nathaniel Robboson) and bounded by a branch of the Southwestern Swamp and William Mallone. Wit: Henry (X) Freeman, Wm (X) Malone Sr and Wm Malone Jr. S/Nathaniel (X) Robosson. 19 Feb 1727. Rec 20 Nov 1728 Surry Co VA Deed Bk 7 Pg 871.

1727: Christopher Robertson, decd. Mary Robertson admin. Wit: Wm Malone, Edw Farrington, Henry Gauler. Surry Co VA Bk 7 Pg 784 21 Feb 1727.

1729: Nathaniel Robinson LG 200A on NS of Nottaway River beginning and extending on the SS of Southwestern Swamp adj land of Lewis Green. 27 Sep 1729.

1. Peter Green Sr of Surry Co VA will dtd 17 Dec 1740 and proved 17 Dec 1745 left 1100A at the head of Southwestern Swamp to be equally divided between his sons Frederick and Peter. Southwestern Swamp is in todays Sussex Co VA.
2. Anne Robinson, widow of Edward Robinson, granted admin on his estate with Lewis Green and Jarvis Dix giving bond. Pg 274 3 Feb 1689 Charles City Co VA Ct Orders.

1729: Christopher Robertson decd, admin Thos Bryan and Mary his wife. Wit: Chris Tatum, Howell Briggs. Surry Co VA Bk 7 Pg 965 20 Aug 1729.

NOTE: Chris Tatum is the son of Nathaniel Tatum Jr who is found as a witness on Christopher Robinson Jr deed in Henrico Co VA in 1677.

1729: Wm Read and wife Mary Read of Brunswick Co to Nathaniel Mellone of Surry Co 100A on NS Nottoway Riv and BS Sappony Crk adjoining John Jones. Wit: John (X) Freeman, Nathaniel (X) Roberson, Rbt Wynne. S/William (X) Read, Mary (X) Read. Rec 19 Aug 1730 Surry Co VA Deed Bk 8 Pg 22.

1730: Jury presents Nathaniel Robertson for a common Swearer. Surry Co VA Deed Bk 8 Pg 13 20 May 1730.

1730: Nathaniel Roberson and Hugh Reece wit deed bet John Moore of Surry, son of Richard Moore of Surry Co, decd 11 Nov 1721. Filed in Pr Geo Co 3 Nov 1730 Pg 23 and signed by Robert Bolling.

1730: Nathaniel Malone and wife Mary Malone to Wm More 98A. Wit: Robert Wynne, John (X) Freeman, Nathaniel (X) Roberson. Rec 16 Sep 1730. S/Nathaniel Malone, Mary (X) Malone. Surry Co VA Deed Bk 8 Pg 45 16 Sep 1730.

Note: 24 Nov 1747 Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves of Brunswick Co, sons & Devisees of Graves Eaves the Elder late of sd Co decd, and John Freeman of Surry Co L30 100A on NS of Meherrin Riv. S/Thomas (X) Eaves, Graves (X) Eaves. Wit: James Clack, Peter Tatum, St. Clack. DB 3 Pg 365 Brunswick Co VA.

1735: Nathaniel Robertson will. Names wife Eliz, son Drury (under 21). Wit: Henry Freeman, Christopher Robertson, Peter Green. Surry Co Deeds, Wills, Etc. 8, 1730-38, Pg 531.

1737: Christopher Robinson and wife Faithy Robinson to Green Emmery [Emory or Emery] 90A on Eastern Spring Branch and bounded by Susanna Emmery, Jeremiah Ellis, the Wolf Pit Branch and William Izzel. Wit: David (X) Williams, Thomas Bedingfield. S/Christopher Robinson, Faith Robinson. Rec Surry Co VA Deed Bk 8 Pg 750 18 Oct 1737.

1738: Samuel Tatum and wife Elizabeth Tatum of Prince George Co to their son John Tatum of Surry Co for Love and Affection... 85 1/2A bounded by the county line, Adam Heeth, William Robertson and the said Samuel Tatum. S/Samuel (X) Tatum, Elizabeth (X) Tatum. Wit: Nathaniel Tatum and Elizabeth Tatum. Recorded 21 Jun 1738 Pg 860 Deed Bk 8 Surry Co VA.

1739: Edward Ellis and wife Elizabeth Ellis of Albemarle Par to Joshua Ellis of the same 80A on NS Nottoway Riv (being land granted to Christopher Robertson, decd, on 18 Feb 1722) and bounded by Southwestern Swamp and Wm Malone. Wit: Samuel Weldon, Nicholas Edmunds, John Threeweet. S/Edward (X) Ellis, Elizabeth (X) Ellis. Rec Surry Co VA Deed Bk 9 Pg 95 19 Nov 1739.

1739: Joseph Wiggans of Nottoway Par in Isle of Wight Co to Edward Robertson of Brunswick Co a tract of land on SS Nottoway Riv and NS Raccoon Swamp and bounded by the Bridge Branch and the Little Swamp. Hannah Wiggans, wife of Joseph Wiggans rel dower rights. S/Joseph Wigans, Hannah (X) Wigans. Rec Surry Co VA Deed Bk 9 Pg 116 16 Mar 1739.

1740: John Jones of Albemarle Par to Isaac Robbonson of the same 80A in Albermarle Par bounded by Wm Harper on SS Sapponia Crk and the Licking Meadow Branch. Wit: James Washington, Wm Thomas and Nathaniel Hawthorn. S/John (X) Jones. Rec Surry Co VA Deed Bk 9 Pg 252 17 Jun 1740.

1741: Green Emerly [Emory] of Albermarle Par to Thomas Cocke of Southwarke Par for L16 80A in Southwarke Par on the head of Blands Swamp and bounded by Eastern Spring Branch, said Emerly, Jeremiah Ellis, the Wolfpit Branch and Ezeles [Ezell] (being a parcel of land granted to John Battle on 31 Aug 1691 and from him it descended to Faith Robertson, the wife of Christopher Robertson and they conveyed it by deed to the said Emerly on 18 Oct 1737). Sarah Emerly, wife of Green Emerly rel dower rights. Wit: Charles Binns, Wm Edwards. S/Green Emerly. Rec Surry Co VA Deed Bk 9 Pg 377 21 Oct 1741.

NOTE: Richard Green of Southwarke Par to his dau Susana Emery... 100A in Southwarke for life and then to my "granddaughter Mary Emery". Land adj Thomas Battle, Thomas Cotten, Col Harrison and the Eastern Spring. 4 Mar 1706 DB 5 Pg 369 Surry Co VA.

1743: James Murray, Gent of Pr Geo Co and his wife Ann Murray to Henry Robinson of Pr Geo Co for L30 320A on SS Southwestern Swampt bounded by Wm Gullum [Gilliam] and John Pearcey. S/James Murray. Rec: Surry Co VA Deed Bk 4 Pg 114 20 Apr 1743.

1744: Edward Robertson and wife Elizabeth Robertson of Brunswick Co to James Robertson of Surry Co for L12 150A commonly known as Widow Wigings and being a patent dtd 24 Mar 1725 on SS Nottoway River and NS of Racoon Swamp adj Bridge Branch and the Little Swamp. Wit: John (X) Ratell, John (X) Robertson, Christopher (X) Foster, Thomas (X) Capel. S/Edward (X) Robertson, Elizabeth (X) Robertson. 18 Jul 1744. Rec Surry Co VA Deed Bk 4 Pg 229 21 Jun 1744.

1746: Henry Robertson of Pr Geo Co VA to Richard Hill of Surry Co VA for L34 ___A on SS Southwestern Swamp adj Wm Gilliam, John Pearcey. Wit: Wm Gilliam, Wm Gilliam Jr, Nathaniel Green Jr. S/Henry Robertson. 2 Mar 1746 DB 5 Pg 92 Surry Co VA.

1746: James Robertson of Brunswick Co VA to Wm Cooper of Surry Co VA for L15 150A on SS Nottoway Riv and NS Racoon Swamp and bounded by Little Swamp. S/James (X) Robertson. 18 Mar 1746 DB 5 Pg 12 Surry Co VA.

1746: Wm Wynne to Nathaniel Green the Younger for L50 110A (being part of a patent granted sd Wynne on 1 Aug 1745) in Albemarle Par and bounded by Nathaniel Robertson, sd Wynne and sd Green. Wit: Henry (X) Freeman, Joseph King, Arthur Freeman. S/William Wynne. 6 May 1746 DB 4 Pg 436 Surry Co VA.

1746: Wm Wynne of Albemarle Par to Wm Richardson Jr of same 360A (being part of a tract of 470A granted sd Wynne on 1 Aug 1745) on SS of Southwestern Swamp on NS Nottoway Riv and bounded by Nathaniel Robertson, dec'd. Wit: Henry (X) Freeman, Joseph King, Arthur Freeman. 15 May 1746 DB 4 Pg 438 Surry Co VA.

1748: Travis Griffis and wf Ann Griffis to Benj Baird for L5 150A near Cooks Bridge on Blackwater and adj Richard Jones, Wm Short and county line with Pr Geo Co. Wit: Charles Lucas, Joseph Robinson. S/Travis Griffis. 1 Mar 1748 DB 5 Pg 213 Surry Co VA.

1751: Thomas Robison and wf Elizabeth Robison of Southwarke Par to Thomas Emmory of the same... 100A in Southwarke Par adj Thomas Battle, Thomas Cottons path, the Kings land, Col Harrisons Branch and the Eastern Spring. Wit: Wm Shell, Peter (X) Johnson, Anthony Atkinson. S/Thomas (X) Robison, Elizabeth (X) Robison. 14 Nov 1751 Bk 6 Pg 381 Surry Co VA.

1751: Drury Robertson of Pr Geo Co VA to Wm Malone of Surry Co VA for L18... 100A in Albemarle Par adj the SS of Southwestern Swamp and sd Malone. Wit: Thomas Oliver, John Hill, Michael (X) Hill Jr. S/Drury (X) Robertson. 13 Jun 1751 DB 6 Pg 320 Surry Co VA.

1751: Bond of Charles Delahay and wf Eliz Delahay for L50... Charles Delahay's wife Elizabeth has a dower right in 100A of land which the sd William Malone has bought from Drury Robertson, her son by her former husband. Wit: John Hill, Michael (X) Hill Jr. S/Charles (X) Delahay, Elizabeth (X) Delahay. 14 Jun 1751 DB 6 Pg 324 Surry Co VA.

Isle of Wight Co VA
Established 1634 - an original Shire

1637: James Robinson, Doug Clarke, Eliz Revells, Charles Callahan transported 3 Nov 1637 by Hugh Wynn. New Town Haven, IOW.

1643: William Robinson transported 1643 by John Sweete.

NOTE: 1624 Richard Robinson, aged 22, in John Sweete muster as a servant in Eliz City Co VA. Richard had arrived VA in 1620 on the Bona Nova.

1663: Frances Robeson, relict of Thomas Robeson, admin of his estate. Security: Mr Taberer and John Snellock. IOW 29 Feb 1663.

1675: John Clay's will says "to son John fifty acres of land purchased of Andrew Robison, given to his wife by her father Dunston". IOW 7 Apr 1675.

1693: Will of Robert Fenn of upper Par. Lists cousin Eliz Fenn the land adj Peter Benton; cousin Kae Fenn; cousin Mary Fenn; cousin Martha Fenn; Goddaughter Eliz Gray, dau of Richard Gray. Ex: John Carroll and son Wm Carroll. Wit: George Frizell, Richard Pell, Thomas Carroll and Thomas Robinson. Proved by Richard Pell, Thomas Carroll and Thomas (X) Robinson. IOW Court Orders 9 Feb 1693 Pg 25.

1693: IOW Ct 9 Mar 1693 Pg 25. Will of Robert Fenn, decd, proved by Richard Pell, Thomas Carroll and Thomas Robinson... John Carrol and William Carrol... Capt Robert Kae... Capt John Goodrich and John Davis.

1694: Thomas Clarke vs Richard Robinson. Robinson had judgement against him for 185lbs tobacco. IOW Court Orders 9 Apr 1694 Pg 32.

1702: Thomas Hayes and wife Prudence Hayes of Northumberland Co appoint Capt Arthur Smith and Richard Wilkinson Jr as their attorneys concerning the deed to Thomas Bevan dtd 12 Oct 1702. Wit: Wm Smith and Thomas (X) Robertson. S/Thomas Hayes. 12 Oct 1702. Rec 9 Nov 1702 Pg 368 IOW DB 1.

1702: Thomas Hayes and wife, Prudence Hayes of Northumberland Co to Thomas Bevan of IOW Co 350A (being a patent of Peter Hayes the grandfather of the said Thomas Hayes with 100A excepted) bounded by Back Bay Crk and Verges Crk. Wit: Arthur (X) Smith and Thomas (X) Robertson. S/Thomas Hayes, Prudence (X) Hayes. 12 Oct 1702 Pg 369 IOW DB 1.

1704: Joseph Baker 217A upper Par of Nansemond Co "SE side of Cabbin Br, a branch of Chowan River adj Jonathan Robinson". 20 Oct 1704.

1706: John Browne and wife Bridgett Browne to Samuel Canidy...220A (being a patent dtd 29 Apr 1692 in the lower parish on the SS Kingsale Swamp and bounded by Jonathan Robinson and William Scott. Wit: Richard Exum and William Murry, S/John (X) Browne. 9 Aug 1706. Rec 10 Aug 1706 IOW DB 2 Pg 40.

NOTE: Richard Exum was the son of Jeramiah and Ann Lawrence Exum. His sister, Mary Exum had married first Jacob Ricks and then William Murphy Jr and then Barnaby McKinne. Ann Exum also had dau named Mourning who married Wm Scott.

1712: Elizabeth Thomas of Newport Parish in IOW Co to Robert Sanders of the upper parish of Nansemond Co...137A (given me by the will of my deceased father Richard Thomas) and is part of 550A belonging to Richard Thomas, dec'd, and divided between me and my Brother and my Two Sisters and the 550A was part of a patent for 1650A granted Jonathan Robinson, Richard Thomas and John Sanders on 23 Apr 1681. Wit: John Giles, Richard Giles and Christopher Reynolds. S/Elizabeth (X) Thomas. 27 Oct 1712 Pg 231 IOW DB 2.

1. Patent to Jonathan Robinson, Richard Thomas and John Sanders 23 Apr 1681 1650A on SS of Kingsale Swamp part in Isle of Wight and part in Nansemond County for transportation of thirty three persons. 1650A on SS of Kingsaile Swamp part in the Isle of Wight and part in Nansemond Co. "Beg at a poplar near the said swamp side being the lowest corner tree of a parcel of land formerly taken up by Tho Tetus [Titus] and Nicolas Dickson [Dixon]". Patent Bk 7 Pg 72.
2. 1642: John Ewens 460A in Appomattocks now called Bristol adj William Sanders for importing 7 person. One of those persons was Christopher Robinson. 10 Nov 1642 Charles City Co VA.
3. 1648: Nicholas Dixson [Dixon] LG Nansemond Co VA on SS of the NW Branch of Nansemond Riv for importing 6 people. One of the imports was John Ewen. 20 Oct 1648.
4. 1665: Elizabeth, Ann and Susanna the orphans of Thomas Francis dec'd rec LG 900A adj William Sanders, Gressum Cofield, the widow Elwood and others in Nansemond Co VA. Land Office Patents No. 5, 1661-1666 (v.1 & 2 p.1-369), p. 563 (Reel 5) 20 Oct 1665.
5. 19 Oct 1677: Christopher Robinson, son and heir of Christopher Robinson of Bristol Parish dec'd, sold to Richard Kennon of Bermuda Hundred, a tract of land called the "Neck" bounded by the land formerly sold to said Kennon, the lands of Nicholas Dixon, John Worsham and on Appomattox and Swift Creek. Attest William Sloane, Nathaniel Tatum Jr, Henry Robinson. Colonial Wills of Henrico Co VA 1677-1737 p 8 Benjamin B Weisiger III 1976.
5. Patent to Jonathan Robinson 24 Apr 1682 242A on the head of the Southern Branch of the Nansemond "in right of Ann his wife ye daughter of James Foster dec'd." Patents Bk 7 Pg 169.
6. 1682: James Hayward [Howard] 24 Apr 1682 LG. In right of Elizabeth his wife grandchild of James Foster dec'd 242A southern Branch of Nansemond. Divides this parcel from Jonathan Robinson his wife's part... joining with Henry Plumpton's corner ... granted to James Foster and Andrew Bonny dtd 27 Sep 1661(?). Note: The only LG found with James Foster and Andrew Bonny is dtd 24 Mar 1661.
7. 24 April 1682 Jonathan Robinson LG 175A in the upper parish of Nansemond, at the head of the southern branch adj James Foster, Henry Plumpton. County not given on LG but it's either Nansemond or IOW Co's VA.
8. In 1703 Jonathan Robinson patented land in Nansemond on the Cabbin Branch claiming Samuel Woodward as a headright. A John Robinson, who may have been a son of Jonathan Robinson, later owned land at Rockahock in Chowan Co NC adjoining Samuel Woodward's 1719 patent.
9. Christopher Foster Jr married Elizabeth Barker, dau of John and Grace [maybe Cotton] Barker. John Barker Sr willed to his son John Barker Jr 223A that John Barker Sr had patented on 12 Jul 1718 on Cabbin Branch.
10. Richard and John Sanders 350A in the Western Branch in the Upper Par Nansemond Co 20 Oct 1689. Beg at Thomas Mason to Jno Reynolds alias Mulfords pattent to edge of ground cleared by Wm Byrd by land of Henry Plumpton and James Foster. Pg 337 Patent Book 8 VA Patents.
11. LG James Forster [Foster] and Andry Bonny 800A on the head of the Southern branch of Nansemond Riv for the transportaion of sixteen persons into this colony Dated Ye 18th of Febry 1652 Thomas Best, John Lawrence, Michael Carrington, Wm Covington, John Wilcockes, Mary Bacon. PB 3 Pg 159.
12. LG James Foster 250A County of Nansemond on the Southward side of a branch of the westward branch of Nansemum river called the Indian Creek adj John Layden, Thomas Babb for the transportation of five persons into this Colony. Dated the 18th of July 1651. James Bee, John Lee?, Anna Thorne, Thomas Luord?, John Taylor. PB 2 Pg 332.

1712: John Davis upper Par will lists wife Mary, daus Sarah, Eliz, Prudence and Mary the wife of Wm Murray. Sons Samuel, Thomas land in Surry which was bought of Edw Grantham, John, Wm the land on which Thomas Robertson lived according unto the bounds held by the said Robinson lease, granddaughter Eliz Murray dau of Wm Murray, brother Wm Green and friends Nathaniel Ridley and James Day to make division of my estate. Wife is Ex. Wit: Nathaniel Ridley, Richard Webb, Thomas Webb, Mary MacCoding. D: 31 Dec 1712 and R: 28 Jun 1714. Pg 581 IOW Will Bk 1-3.

1. John Davis's wife Mary was probably the dau of Thomas Green who d 1686 IOW Co.
2. 1668 Surry Co Tithables: Mr. Peter Greene & Mr. Thomas Greene.
3. 1720 will of Mary Davis lists dau Prudence, grandson Wm Da--- (prob Davis), son Samuel, dau Prudence Davis Ex. Requests that Cpt James Day and my brother Wm Green to assist. Wit: Wm Green, Sarah Murray, Thomas Davis. D: 20 Sep 1720 and R: 23 Jan 1721 Pg 61 Bk II IOW Co VA Wills.

1715: Nathaniel Harrison, Esq., William Robertson, Etheldred Taylor and Nathaniel Ridley, Gents., on behalf of the will of Joseph John Jackman, dec'd, to Thomas Skelton of Surry Co...60A (being the land in the deed of Edmund Briggs to Joseph John Jackman). Wit: Arthur Holladay, Arthur Smith, John Lear, William Bridger, Mat Boush, Thomas Browne, John Watts and Richard Giles. 23 Jul 1715. Rec 26 Sep 1715 IOW Deeds, Wills Vol 2 Pg 8.

1719: Daniel Story, Yeoman, of the lower parish to Robert Wilkins of the same...110A in the lower parish on Kingsale Swamp and bounded by Wm Daughtry and said Story (being part of a parcel of land Samuel Canaday, dec'd, devised to his son, Samuel Canaday, who sold it to Story). Wit: Robert Sanders and Jonathan (X) Robinson. S/Daniell Story. 22 Mar 1719. Rec 28 Mar 1720 IOW Deeds, Wills Vol 2 Pg 340.

1732: Jacob Rickes of Bartee [Bertie] Precint in North Carolina to Jonathan Robinson of the lower parish of IOW...110A in the upper parish on Kingsale Swamp adj John Scott, Daniel Story and land of Robert Wilkins and now Ann Musser's (being part of a grant Samuel Kenady deeded to Daniel Story on 26 Sept 1719 who deeded one half of it to Jacob Ricks on 28 Nov 1729). Wit: Robert Bulter, Thomas Boyer and James Holland. S/Jacob Ricks. Rec 22 Jan 1732 Pg 226 IOW DB 4.

1. Isaac Ricks of Edgecombe Co NC to Thomas Robertson of Granville Co NC for L10 400A on the SS of the Tar Riv where Robertson now dwells and granted to Isaac Ricks 5 Jul 1743. Wit: Osborne Jeffrey, James Yancey, William Roberts. Rec Sep 1747 Bk A Pg 30 Granville Co NC.
2. Isaac Ricks was a brother of Jacob Ricks and son of Isaac Ricks Sr who died 1724 IOW Co VA.

1737: Jonathan Roberson will dtd 22 Mar 1736/7 names wife Elizabeth, cousin James Roberson, dau Mary Whitfield. Wit: Wm Murfee and James Davis. Pg 170, Will Bk 4 IOW.

1737: Richard Robinson will dtd 1737. IOW Co VA.

1740: Christopher Robertson and William Watkins listed adj Thomas Newsom LG for 200A NS Three Creeks. Land Office Patents No. 19, 1739-1741, p. 789 (Reel 17) 16 Sep 1740 IOW Co VA.

1743: John Robertson LG 300A on SS of Nottaway River and the SS of Spring Swamp adj Christopher Robertson. 30 March 1743 IOW Co VA.

1743: Christopher Robertson LG 190A on SS of Nottaway River and on SS of Spring Swamp adj Thomas Phillips’s land. 30 March 1743 IOW Co VA.

NOTE: Thomas Barham and wife Sarah to Solomon DeLoach dtd 8 May 1760 190A on SS Nottoway River and SS Spring Swamp (patent to Christopher Robertson 13 Mar 1743). PG 342-343 Southampton Co VA DB 2.

1743: Christopher Robertson of Bartee [Bertie] Co NC to Thomas Moss of Nottoway Parish in IOW... 190A on SS Nottoway Riv and SS Spring Swamp adj Thomas Phillips (being a patent dtd 30 Mar 1743). Wit: Christopher Foster, Christopher (X) Foster Jr and John Watkins. S/Christopher (X) Robertson. 3 Mar 1743. Rec 26 Mar 1744 IOW DB 6 Pg 357.

1745: Thomas Barham and wife Sarah Barham of Nottoway Parish to Solomon Newsum... 190A on SS Nottoway Riv up the Flatt br adj Thomas Newsum, Edward Robertson, Henry Manery, Bagley Greeves and John Smith. Wit: John Dunkley and Arthur Arrington. S/Thomas (X) Barham, Sarah (X) Barham. Rec 27 May 1745 IOW DB7 Pg 108.

1746: John Robertson to Solomon Deloch... 300A on SS of Nottoway Riv and SS Spring Swamp (being the land granted said John Robertson on 13 Aug 1743). Wit: Christopher Foster and Samuel Blow. S/John (X) Robertson. Rec 28 Apr 1746 IOW DB 7 Pg 298.

1746: Solomon Newsum of Nottoway Parish to Thomas Moss of the same... 190A on SS Three Creeks adj Thomas Newsum, Edward Robertson, Mannery, Bagley Greves, Flatt Branch and John Smith. Wit: John Watkins, Sampson Newsum and Jacob Newsum. S/Solomon (X) Newsum, Martha (X) Newsum. Rec 28 Apr 1746 IOW DB 7 Pg 296.

1747: Wm Watkins to John Harper... 150A on NS of Three Creeks (being part of two patents granted said Watkins on 27 Feb 1734 and 12 Jan 1746) adj Thomas Phillips, Christopher Robertson, Thomas Newsum, Stephen Vaughan and Reedy Branch. Wit: Thomas Gould, Christopher (X) Foster and Thomas (X) Moss. S/William Watkins. 26 Sep 1747. Rec 8 Oct 1747 IOW DB 7 Pg 505.

NOTE: 1723 Nathaniel Harrison of Surry Co LG 625A SS Little Creek of Three Creeks in the Par of Lawnes Crk adj to the land of Matthew Marks dec'd and Ambrose Jackson.

1747: Solomon Newsum to Benjamin Hail... 100A (being part of a patent for 200A dtd 16 Sep 1740 and granted to Thomas Newsum who made a Deed of Gift of the land to Solomon Newsum) adj Edward Robertson, John Smith, William Jelks and Hornet Swamp. Wit: Henry Holt, Henry Ivy and Hardy Harris. S/Solomon (X) Newsum, Martha (X) Newsum. 6 Apr 1747. Rec 11 Jun 1747 IOW DB 7 Pg 474.

1749: James Robinson, dec'd, 1749, intestate. Return of will by Jonathan Robinson. Pg 208, IOW.

1752: Benjamin Hale and wife Judith to David Newsum dtd 13 Aug 1752 100A on NS Three Creeks adj Edward Robertson, John Smith, Wm Jelk, Myry Branch and Hornet Swamp (part of patent for 200A to Thomas Newsum, father of sd David on 16 Sep 1740), S/Benjamin X Hale and Judith X Hale. Wit: James Ridley, John Myrick, Amos Harris. Southampton Co VA DB 1 Pg 371-374.

1757: Richard Robinson will dtd 20 Sep 1757, rec 3 Nov 1757. Wit: Geo Wilson, Rebecca Miller. IOW Co VA.

1761: John Harper and wife Mary to Eliz Gould dtd 11 Mar 1761 75A on SS of Reedy Branch and NS of Three Creeks adj Thomas Phillips, Christopher Robertson, new road, Watkins, and sd Harper. S/John (J) Harper and Mary (M) Harper. Wit: John Larke, John Matthews, Ephraim Gilliam. Pages 25-27 Southampton Co VA DB 3.

1762: Simon Vick to Thomas Robertson dtd 10 Nov 1762 100A on SS of the Nottoway River adj sd Simon and Wm Vicks (1/2 patent to Samuel Davis for 200A on 1 Mar 1743). S/Simon Vick. Wit: no witnesses. Pg 175-176 Southampton Co VA DB 3.

1764: Thomas Robertson and wife Eliz to Samuel Davis dtd 7 Jun 1764 100A adj Stony Branch, William Vick Sr. S/Thomas (T) Robertson. Wit: Richard Vick and Epaphroditus (X) Williams. Elizabeth did not sign deed nor come to court. Pg 329-330 Southampton Co VA DB 3.