Thomas Robinson

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Is the Thomas Robinson in Spotsylvania Co VA in 1735 and 1736 the same Thomas Robinson found in Brunswick Co VA? The following information will try and determine if this is the same person or if a connection exists. I've found no deeds in Spotsylvania Co under his name so it appears he did not own land in that county. It's possible he was out of King William Co VA but since that's a burned county we may never know for sure. The following three deeds witnessed by Thomas Robinson are all that exists in Spotsylvania Co with his name.

By watching the VA county formation change you can get an idea of where Thomas Robinson was:
  • 1643 Charles River Co name changed to York Co
  • 1654 Part of York becomes New Kent Co
  • 1691 Part of New Kent becomes King and Queen Co
  • 1701 Part of King and Queen becomes King William Co
  • 1720 Part of King William becomes Spotsylvania Co
  • 1728 Part of Spotsylvania becomes Caroline Co
3 Jun 1735 John Waller of Spotsylvania Co to his son Wm Waller. Deed of Gift 274 1/2A in Spotsylvania Co on ridge bet Matapony and Pamunkey Riv, etc. Wit: Thomas Carr Jr, B. Waller, Edmund Waller, Thomas Robinson. Rec DB C 1 Jul 1735 Spotsylvania Co VA.

1. 1702 King William Co Col John Waller Sheriff.
2. St Paul's Vestry Bk Pg 22 1706 lists Thomas Carr in King William Co.
3. 23 April 1718 King William Co John Robinson LG 2200 acres on the south side of one of the Great Branches of Mattapony River adj John Rogers.
4. 7 Aug 1722 Pg 1 Spotsylvania Co Road Orders: Thomas Carr Junr pettitioning for a Road to be cleared from the mouth of East North East (creek) to Germanna as is already Marked and laid out, is granted and John Hawkings [Hawkins] is appointed overseer of the same, and all ye Inhabitants of that part of ye county that lives between Mattapony and North Anna are ordered under him to help clear the same from East North East to ye road of Mattapony...
5. John Quarles of St George's Par Spotsyvania Co to Richard Cheek of the same parish and Co 13 ster 70A in St Geo Par Spotsylvania Co being part of a tract granted the sd Quarles by pat 30 Sep 1723. Rec 7 July 1724. John Waller, by power of attorney.
6. 8 Apr 1729 Spotsylvania Co VA John Robinson, Esqr and John Waller, Gent Directors and Trustees of Fredksburg in Spots Co to John Robinson, junr Gent of King and Queen Co 5 5s curr Lot No 13 in Fredksburg. Rec 5 Aug 1729.

4 May 1736 Henry Chiles of Spotsylvania Co and Mercy his wife and John Chiles of King William Co to Humphrey Hill of St Margaret's Par King William Co, Merchant 400A in St Geo Par Spotsylvania Co part of a patent granted Henry Webber 28 Oct 1723, etc. Wit: John Waller, Wm Waller, Thomas Robinson, Wm Hansford, Chs Barrett. Rec DB C 6 July 1736 Spotsylvania Co VA.

1. 1699 Henry Chiles was living in St Peter's Par New Kent Co VA.
2. 1702 Richard Littlepage conveyed 400A in King William Co (formerly King and Queen Co) on the NS of Pamunkey Riv to Henry Chiles of St Peter's Par New Kent Co.
3. Henry Webber of King William Co 2000A Spotsylvania Co on BS East North East Run adj James Taylor's 1000A and in John Downer's line 28 Oct 1723.
4. William Hansford witnessed one deed for Richard Cheek in 1729 Spotsylvania Co VA.

4 Dec 1736 John Waller of Spotsylvania Co Gent to Zachary Lewis of same Gent 414A in Spotsylvania Co 397A part thereof of patent granted Jno Waller Jr 28 Sep 1728 and conveyed by him to sd Jno Waller as by deeds 23 and 24 Jun 1730 residue thereof part of a tract granted to sd Waller 21 Feb 1720 then in King William Co. Wit: Wm Waller, Thomas Robinson, Edmund Waller. Rec DB C 7 Dec 1736 Spotsylvania Co VA.

NOTE: Zachary Lewis was married to Mary Waller, dau of John Waller Sr.

The deed below is when Thomas Robinson purchased his land in Brunswick Co VA in 1735. The land was sold to him by Wm Toms who is found prior to Brunswick Co VA in King William Co VA in 1704.

Thomas Robinson leases and releases 150 acres in 1735 from William Toms and wife Margaret of St Andrew Parish. Land is located on the NS of the Roanoke River in Clemens [Clements] line. Part of a grant to John Davis and sold to Toms. Witnesses to deed are Cornelius Keith, Samuel (B) Buckstone, William Jinkines [Jenkins]. Deed recorded 4/5 Feb 1735/6 Pg 269-271 Brunswick Co VA Deeds.

1. 1739 Philip Morgan of St. Andrew's Par Brunswick Co to John Wilkins of St Martin's Par Hanover Co 1000A NS of Roanoke Riv on lower line of Robert Munford at mouth of Island Creek. S/Philip Morgan. Wit: John Harris Jr, Hugh Oneall [O'Neal]. Dtd 1 Oct 1739 and Rec 3 Jan 1739/40. DB 1 Pg 499 Brunswick Co VA.
2. Phillip Morgan was adj Thomas Robinson in Brunswick Co VA.

1741 in Brunswick Co VA Thomas Robson witnessed the will of John Clements. Abraham Cooke, who appraised the estate, was out of Hanover Co VA.

Thomas Robson, John Dodd, Robert Mitchell witness the will of John Clemons [Clements] of St Andrews Parish whose will is dated 10 Nov 1740. The executor of John Clemons [Clements] will is James Mitchell. Recorded Pg 36 7 May 1741 Brunswick Co VA Wills 1739-1750. Abraham Cooke and James Mitchell appraise Clemons [Clements] estate.

1. John Wilkins appointed guardian to Hannah Clements, orphan of John Clements deceased. John Wilkins, together with Abraham Cooke his security, entered into and acknowledged bond for that purpose. Lunenburg Co VA Order Bk 1 Pg 36 1746.
2. 6 Aug 1741 bet Gabriel Harrison of the Co of Prince George and Abraham Cook of the Co of Hanover for 5 shillings 300A on NS of Roanoke Riv a little below Swan Pond. Wit: John Dodd, William Baker. Ack in Ct on 6 Aug 1741. DB 2 Pg 93 Brunwick Co VA.
3. DB 2 Pg 44 King William Co VA 19 Jul 1722 James Michel [Mitchell] bond with Geo Clements. Wit: James Cary, James Michell and Jane Cary.

1742 Thomas Robinson in Brunswick Co VA appraises the estate of William Baker.

Thomas Robinson, Abraham Cooke and Nicholas Moshier appraise the estate of William Baker. Recorded 6 May 1742 Pg 44 Brunswick Co VA Wills 1739-1750.

1. 1704 William Baker is listed on the VA Rent Rolls as being from King and Queen Co VA.
2. 20 Jan 1705 Hannah MacKallister appoints her loving son-in-law Abraham Cook her attorney. DB 1 Pg 287 King William Co VA.
3. 1727 William Baker is found in Hanover Co VA.

1745 Thomas Robinson sells his Brunswick Co VA land and moves to NC.

Thomas Roberson and Mary, his wife, of Edgecombe County [North] Carolina to [13 Jun 1745] Christopher Hudson of St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick Co VA for L45 one certain tract of land and plantation containing about 150 acres lying in a bent on the NS of Roanoke River in St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick and bounded by the line of John Clemens [Clements] deceased, a line the said Roberson and William Toms made between themselves. The land was patented to John Davis of St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick Co and afterwards sold by Davis to William Toms who sold it to Thomas Roberson. S/Thomas Roberson, Mary (her X mark) Roberson. Witness: John Wilkins, Mary (her X mark) Wilkins, William Taber. Recorded Pg 84, Brunswick Co Deed Book 3, 3 Oct 1745.

1. 22 June 1722 John Wilkins LG 400A in King William (now Spotsylvania) Co adj Christopher Smith. Patent Bk 11 Pg 103.
2. 1724 deed John Wilkins of Spotsylvania Co sold Dannett Abney Sr land he owned in both King William Co and Hanover Co. John Kimbrough witnessed this deed. See Edgecombe Co NC for more on the Kimbrough family.
3. 1728 LG to John Waller Jr Spotsylvania Co for 1000A NS the North Anna Riv that was adj John Wilkins. In 1722 John Wilkins in King William Co had 400A on BS of East North East Crk (now Northeast Crk) on NS the North Anna Riv. See map for location.
4. 4 June 1728 On motion of John Waller he is discharged from being overseer of the road from Mattapany Church to east north east bridge and the said road is devided into two precincts and John Wilkings [Wilkins] and Daniell Brown are appointed Overseers in his room, Viz: from east north east bridge to John Wallers bridge includeing the same, Mr John Wilkings [Wilkins] is appointed overseer & ordered that John Waller, Zachary Lewis, John Wilkings [Wilkins], John Wiglesworth, Dennitt Abney Sen, Dennitt Abney Jun, John Smith, Wm Dobbs, Daniell Pruett, Mr Robert Baylors Quarter & Robert Stublefield, working Male tithables do help him clear & keep in repair the same. Spotsylvania County Road Orders 1722-1734 4 June 1728 (OS) Pg 233.
5. 6 Aug 1728 John Wilkins of Spots Co to John Wiglesworth of the same county 25 curr 200A of land part of a pat granted the sd Wilkins 16 June 1727 in St Geo Par Spots Co Rec 6 Aug 1728. Mary, the wife of John Wilkins, acknowledged her dower. John Waller witness.
6. 4 June 1728 and from the Said Wallers bridge to Mattapany church Mr Daniel Brown is appointed overseer & Ordered that all the male tithables on the South Side of the River that belong to the Hon John Robinson, Daniell Brown, John Micou, Abell Stears, John Naul, Patriack Bolding, Wm Bradbourn, George Carters, Samuell Tillary, Phebe Hobson, & Robert Colemans plantions do help him clear the same. Spotsylvania Co Road Orders 1722-1734 4 June 1728 (OS) Pg 233.
7. John Wilkins married Mary Kimbrough who was the daughter of John Kimbrough Jr and Elizabeth Bradley of New Kent Co VA.
8. 26 Apr 1709 New Kent Co VA Upon complaint of Nicholas Gentry that his assistance is not able to make road passable it is ordered that Mr Henry Chiles, Abraham Cook, James Nuckols send 4 tithables out of their precincts to assist said Gentry two days to make bridges over Crump's Creek and Deep Swamp.
9. 1709 the Vestry Bk of St Paul's Par, Hanover Co VA, lists Abraham Cook, John Kimbrough and Thomas Bradley living adjacent each other.
10. 1711 the Vestry Bk of St Paul's Par, Hanover Co VA, lists Christopher Hudson, Thomas Bradley and John Kimbrough Sr in the same precinct.
11. Wm Robertson 28 Sep 1728 Spotsylvania Co LG 1000A on the head of Stone Horse Swamp on BS of Pigeon Riv on NS the North Anna Riv. I believe Pigeon Riv is now Pigeon Run which is about 3 miles up stream from Northeast Crk where John Wilkins lived.
12. John Waller Land Grant 28 Sep 1730 Spotsylvania Co VA 400A on SS Mattapony Riv adj land of Major Carr, Colonel Robinson, Robert Coleman and Colonel Waller.
13. 5 Feb 1733 Pg 270 Spotsylvania Co Road Orders: On Petition of George Carter to be discharged from being overseer of the Road from Col: John Wallers Bridge to Mattapony Church (he haveing Served on the same about one year) is granted and Ordered that William Robinson Gent: do serve in his room and that all the male tithables that served under the said Carter do Serve under the Said Robinson to help him clear and keep the Said road in good repair.
14. 4 May 1734 Ann Robinson, admx of William Robinson, decd, with Thomas Witherby and John Jones security. Spotsylvania Co VA.
15. 1735 Hanover Co DB Pg 335-338 Henry Chiles of Hanover Co to Ambrose Hundley 270A... at corner of John Jones... etc. Wit: William Taylor, Richard Winn, Benjamin Hawkins.
16. 3 Jun 1735 Robert Goodloe of St George Par Spotsylvania Co planters to Joseph Carter of Par and Co afsd 190A (part of pat granted sd Goodloe 28 Sep 1728) in Spotsylvania Co. Wit: W. Robinson, Larkin Chew, Wm Waller.


Caroline Co VA was formed in 1728 from the upper parts of Essex, King and Queen and King William counties. Between 1732 - 1740 only two entries in the records can be found for a Thomas Robinson. The first record is:

Order Bk of Caroline Co 1732-1740 Pg 368 10 Sep 1736. Action of debt. John Martin Gent. quitam &c agt. Thomas Robinson. Dismissed.

1. In common law, a writ of qui tam is a writ whereby a private individual who assists a prosecution can receive all or part of any penalty imposed.
2. There is nothing in the existing records that say what this pertains to.
3. Also listed on this qui tam by John Martin was a Saml Robinson who also had this action dismissed.

Order Bk of Caroline Co 1732-1740 Pg 488 14 Jul 1738. The last will and testament and codicil of Thomas Carr Gent. was presented in Court by Mary Carr, John Carr, Agnes Waller and Sarah Minor, executrix and executors therein named and proved by the oaths of John Waller and Thos. Robinson and affirmation of Chs. Goodall.

Thomas Carr will 29 May 1735/14 Jul 1738 Caroline Co VA:
*Son Thomas Carr the home plantation called Topping castle after wife's death and 1000 acres on upper side of Rocky Creek in Hanover Co and Goochland Co VA
*Son John Carr 546 acres in King William Co where "my mother now lives" and half of the James River tract.
*Daughter Agnes Carr wife of John Waller Jr and Sarah Carr wife of John Minor.
*Mother Mary Carr.
*Kinsman Gideon Carr 100 acres on south side of Southwest Mountains in Hanover Co part of the 2400 acres patented at four different times.
*Execs: Friends John Waller and Zachariah Lewis.
*Wit: John Waller, John Norris, Lambath Molth and Thomas Robinson.
*Codicil dated 6 May 1738. Wit: John Waller, James Lyndsay, Charles Goodall and William Machgehee.

1. This is Thomas Carr Jr, son of Thomas Carr.
2. John Waller was married to Agnes Carr.
3. John Minor was married to Sarah Carr.
4. 1704 VA Rent Rolls Thomas Carr is listed in King William Co VA.
5. Spotsylvania Co VA DB B Pg 260 3 Dec 1731 Dannitt Abney Jun to Zachary Lewis. 381A beg at corner of George Wood and corner oak of George Woodruffs. Wit: John Waller, Charles Goodall, John Waller Jr, John Wilkins. Mary Abney relinquished right of dower.
6. Spotsylvania Co VA DB C Pg 147 1 May 1739 John (X) Smith St George Par Spts Co planter to Thomas Dillard of same Par and County planter 1200 lbs tob and 3 bbls Indian corn. 200A in St George Par Spts Co part of patent granted sd Smith 28 Sept 1728 joining lands of John Tyre, Ralph Williams, Thomas Hubbard, William Pruet and near adjoining lands of Thomas Carr Gent decd and John Robinson Esqr now Humphrey Bells. Wit: Robert Holloway, Mary (X) Asmon. 1 May 1739 Margaret wife of John Smith ack her dower.
7. Anne Holliday, dau of Wm and Anne Waller Holliday married John Robinson, perhaps the son of John Robinson Esqr.
8. Elizabeth Holliday, dau of Wm and Anne Holliday, married Thomas Dillard.
9. Joseph Collins, b 1685 in King and Queen Co VA d 3 May 1748 King and Queen Co VA. He was the son of John Collins and Eleanor Oliver. He married Catherine Robinson abt 1705 in King and Queen VA. Catherine Robinson, b 1690 in ?Spotsylvania Co VA d Oct 1757 in King and Queen Co VA. She was the dau of John Robinson and Ann Holliday.

To see my notes on the Carr family go here.

To see my notes on Thomas Robinson's possible father go here.