Thomas Robinson

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Brunswick Co VA
Is the Thomas Robinson in Brunswick Co VA in 1735 the same Thomas Robinson found in the 1790 Census of Rutherford Co NC? The following information will try and determine if this is the same person or if a connection exists. I believe that this Thomas Robinson came out of Spotsylvania Co VA prior to Brunswick Co VA. Click here for more information.

Brunswick Co VA was formed in 1720 from Surry, Isle of Wight and Prince George Co's, however, jurisdiction (Court, Militia and Land Records) remained with Prince George Co until 1732. One note on the spelling of Thomas Robinson's name. All the records listed are from County records and are not originals. Court Clerks tended to be less than accurate when recording the original documents into the County records. Location is perhaps the best determiner on whether you have the same individual and not necessarily how the name was spelled.

The first record of a Thomas Robinson in Brunswick Co VA is in 1735 with this deed:

Thomas Wilson acknowledges deeds to 52 people with Thomas Robertson being one of these people. This is found on Pg 99, 3 Jul 1735, Brunswick Co Court Orders 1732-1737.

1. There are 52 names listed in this Court Order for deeds, however, the locations of the deeds are not given. Apparently these deeds were not recorded when the land was sold and Thomas Wilson did a blanket recording.
2. According to a Mecklenburg Co VA historian, some of the 52 people listed on this blanket deed are found in the area that later became Mecklenburg Co VA. It's believed Thomas Robertson was one of these who had land in todays Mecklenburg Co VA. It's doubtful Thomas Wilson was the grantor on all these deeds because they are so spread out. More likely he was the attorney re-recording these deeds for the grantors. It is believed these records were destroyed by fire and the grantees wanted them recorded again. Very possible these first two records for Thomas Robinson are one and the same.
3. Brunswick Order Book 1 page 99, 3 Jul 1735 entry of 52 deeds:
Thomas Wilson came into Court & presented & acknowledged deeds of lease & release to Mason Bishop, Michael C. Young, James Rigby, Richard Ramsey, Charles Golstone, John Fountain, Robert Andrews, Henry Beverly, John Merritt, Samuel Crawley, John Adcock, Henry Morris, Samuel Manning, John Blackstone, Richard York, Thomas Couch Jr., Benjamin Boing, Wm. Couch, James Couch, John Barnes, John Thomason, Richard Watts, Patrick Dorum, Seth Pettypool, Thomas Shelton, John Wilson, Philip Morgan, John Thomason Jr., James Dockery, Thomas Rawlins, William Douglas, James Arnold, Matthew Creed, Aaron Johnson, John Humphries, Henry Rottenberry Jr., Wm Fletcher, Thomas Robertson, Aaron Pinson, Joseph Coleson, Robert Alen, Francis Rayney, Joseph Dunman, Thomas Haney, John Mealey, Wm. Pennington, Henry Rottenbury Senr., and William Manning, which at the motion of the said Mason Bishop, Michael Cadet Young and all if the aforenamed persons they are ordered to be recorded.
4. Map of Miles Crk.

Thomas Robinson leases and releases 150 acres in 1735 from William Toms and wife Margaret of St Andrew Parish. Land is located on the NS of the Roanoke River in Clemens [Clements] line. Part of a grant to John Davis and sold to Toms. Witnesses to deed are Cornelius Keith, Samuel (B) Buckstone, William Jinkines [Jenkins]. Deed recorded 4/5 Feb 1735/6 Pg 269-271 Brunswick Co VA Deeds.

1. The land in this deed would have been in the western part of Brunswick Co VA or what later became Lunenburg Co VA and then Mecklenburg Co VA and just north of the VA/NC boundary. The exact location is not known, however, John Davis's original grant in 1728 lists him adjacent to Phillip Morgan. In a 1745 deed Phillip Morgan (he and Thomas Robinson are also listed adjacent in 1737 when Toms (see below) sold other Brunswick Co VA land) was listed as being adjacent to some land being sold on the NS of the Roanoke River and the upper side of Miles Creek (today Mecklenburg Co VA). I found no records indicating Phillip Morgan sold or purchased any other land between 1737 and the time Thomas Robinson sold his land in 1745.
2. William Toms of St. Andrews Parish Brunswick C to John Clements of same; lease and release; 277A on NS of Roanoke Riv on Gabriel Harrison's line on the river; to Philip Morgan's line. Wit: Michael Cadet Young, Nicholas Edmunds. 5 June 1735; acknowledged by William Toms. Brunswick Co VA Will & DB 1 Pg 178-180.
3. The 1704 Quit Rent Rolls list a Wm Toms from King William Co VA. No other Toms is found on the list.
4. John Davis is the son of Christopher Davis who died 1722 in Southwark Parish, Surry Co VA and left his property to his only son John. In 1723 John Davis receives a Land Grant on Sturgeon Run very close to John and Mary Roberson (Prince George Co VA).
5. Cornelius Keith, Joseph (X) Shearing, Richard Smith witnessed the deed between William Gower of Brunswick Co VA and Thomas Huckoby of same for land in Brunswick Co. Prince George Co VA records Pg 918 4 Oct 1725. John Robertson married Mary Gower around 1740 in Brunswick Co VA. Their son was James Robertson who founded Nashville, TN. Several of John and Mary Robertson's sons are found in western NC by 1770.

These deeds give no clue where this Thomas Robinson/Robertson/Roberson came from before Brunswick Co VA but it's clear he is of age by at least 1735.

Thomas Robertson and Phillip Morgan are listed adjacent William Toms of Brunswick Co VA on a deed from Toms to Michael Cadet Young for 125 acres on the NS of the Roanoke River which was part of 554 acres granted to John Davis by patent and sold to Toms. Witnesses are John Parker, Henry (X) Clarkendale, James (J) Riggby. Recorded 3 Mar 1737 Pg 306/7 Brunswick Co VA.

1. In 1741 Michael Cadet Young sells this land to Richard Blalack of Hanover Co VA. It is listed on the NS of Roanoke River opposite Cow Island containing 125 acres and being adjacent to Phillip Morgan and Thomas Rawlings.
2. What's interesting about this deed is Michael Cadet Young, Phillip Morgan and James Riggby are also listed with Thomas Robinson on the blanket deed of 1735. Witnesses were normally family members or neighbors so this would indicate the first two deeds are in the same general area.

Thomas Robson, John Dodd, Robert Mitchell witness the will of John Clemons [Clements] of St Andrews Parish whose will is dated 10 Nov 1740. The executor of John Clemons [Clements] will is James Mitchell. Recorded Pg 36 7 May 1741 Brunswick Co VA Wills 1739-1750. Abraham Cooke and James Mitchell appraise Clemons [Clements] estate.

1. This John Clemons [Clements] is the same 'Clemens' listed in the deed from Toms to Thomas Robinson in 1735.
2. John Wilkins appointed guardian to Hannah Clements, orphan of John Clements deceased. John Wilkins, together with Abraham Cocke [Cooke] his security, entered into & acknowledged bond for that purpose. Lunenburg County, Virginia Order Book 1, page 36 1746.
3. New Kent and Hanover Road Orders: 26 April 1709 O.S. pg 21. Upon the Complaint of Nichs Gentry, that his assistance is not able to make his road passable; Its Ordered, that Mr Henry Chiles, James Nuckols and Abraham Cook each of them send four Tithables out of their Precincts, to assist the Said Nichol Gentry two days to make Bridges over Crump's Creek and the Deep Swamp.
4. 1724 Hanover Co VA Abraham Cook and John Kimbrow [Kimbrough] had land adjacent each other on the North Anna River. Kimbrough was the father of Mary Kimbrough, wife of John Wilkins.

Thomas Robinson, Abraham Cooke (he is from Hanover Co VA before coming to Brunswick Co VA) and Nicholas Moshier appraise the estate of William Baker. Baker is listed as from Hanover Co VA before Brunswick Co VA. Recorded 6 May 1742 Pg 44 Brunswick Co VA Wills 1739-1750. This will is also recorded later in Mecklenburg Co VA.

NOTE: In 1741 Gabriel Harrison of Prince George Co VA deeds land to Abraham Cooke of Hanover Co VA on the NS of Roanoke River and on the SS Butchers Creek (just west of Miles Creek) (later Lunenburg then Mecklenburg Co). Witnesses were John Dodd and William Baker.

Thomas Roberson and Mary, his wife, of Edgecombe County [North] Carolina to [13 Jun 1745] Christopher Hudson of St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick Co VA for L45 one certain tract of land and plantation containing about 150 acres lying in a bent on the NS of Roanoke River in St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick and bounded by the line of John Clemens [Clements] deceased, a line the said Roberson and William Toms made between themselves. The land was patented to John Davis of St Andrew's Parish in Brunswick Co and afterwards sold by Davis to William Toms who sold it to Thomas Roberson. S/Thomas Roberson, Mary (her X mark) Roberson. Witness: John Wilkins, Mary (her X mark) Wilkins, William Taber. Recorded Pg 84, Brunswick Co Deed Book 3, 3 Oct 1745.

NOTE: This is clearly the Thomas Robinson listed in the 1735 deed. Several interesting items from this deed. First, it shows the Edgecombe Co NC Thomas Robinson was from Brunswick Co VA. Second, it gives the name of Thomas Robinson's wife. Third, it may point to Spotsylvania Co VA because John Wilkins was from Spotsylvania Co. See my notes on Spotsylvania Co VA.

Other interesting deeds are:

Philip Morgan of St. Andrew's Parish Brunswick Co to John Wilkins of St Martin's Par Hanover County... 1000A... on NS of Roanoke River on lower line of Robert Munford... at mouth of Island Creek. S/Philip Morgan. Wit: John Harris Jr, Hugh Oneall [O'Neal]. Dtd 1 Oct 1739 and Rec 3 Jan 1739/40. DB 1 Pg 499 Brunswick Co VA.

John Wilkins to William Tabor... L30... 200A Roanoke River... adj Robert Munford. S/John Wilkins. Wit: Abraham Cook, Robert Hester, Christopher Hudson. Dtd 1 Oct 1745 and Rec 3 Oct 1745. Mary, wife of John Wilkins, released her dower right. DB 3 Pg 82 Brunswick Co VA.

John Robinson, planter, patents 580A in Goochland Co on NS of Deep Creek adj Stephen Hughes, John Hobson, Wm Bradshaw, Joseph Fuqua. 20 Jul 1738 VA Patent Bk 18 Pg 69-70.

John Robinson patents 400A near the head of Muddy Creek bounded by Wm Bradshaw, Samuel Nichols, Wm Tabor. 20 Jul 1738 Goochland Co VA Patent Bk 18 Pg 56-57.

William Tabor of Goochland Co VA to Mathew Markes of same 70 acres on Deep Creek adjacent William Bradshaw, Hopson (prob Hobson). Witnesses are John Twitty, Ralph Flippen, Joseph Chandler. Recorded Goochland Co VA Deed Bk 3 Pg 112 18 Apr 1739.

William Taber of Goochland Co VA to Christoper Hudson of Hanover Co VA 400 acres on BS Deep Creek, granted to Taber in 1737, adjacent William Bradshaw. Witnesses are Luke Wildes, John Harrin, Richard (RH) Hubbard, George Harris. Recorded Goochland Co VA Deed Bk 3 Pg 214 11 May 1739.

Christopher Hudson of Hanover Co VA to Adolphus Hendrick of King William Co VA 400 acres on BS Deep Creek, granted to William Tabor by patent 1737 and adjacent William Bradshaw. Witnesses are William Womack, John Williams Jr. Recorded Goochland Co VA Deed Bk 3 Pg 350 19 Aug 1740.

1. Adolphus Hendrick's dau Jemima married Charles Bradshaw (son of William Bradshaw) who was the brother-in-law of John Robinson (son of John and Tabitha Robinson) who married Ann Bradshaw. Another dau Jane married Joseph Robinson (son of John and Tabitha).
2. John Robinson, John Robinson Sr and Christopher Robinson wit a deed for William Tabor of St. James Parish 330A L60 to William Bradshaw. This land was adj John Hobson, Wm Bradshaw, Matthew Marks and crossed Deep Creek. Goochland Co. VA Deed Bk 4, Pg 207 July 1743.
3. William Tabor 800A Goochland Co among the Br of Deep Crk on the WS of a Meadow adj William Bradshaw, the sd William Tabor, William May, Mathew Herbert and John Robinson. 16 Jun 1744 Pg 129.
4. William Tabor was in Henrico Co VA prior to moving to Goochland Co VA.

Edgecombe Co NC
Edgecombe Co NC was formed from Bertie Co in 1741. From 1733-1741 Edgecombe was called Edgecombe Precinct of Bertie Co NC. Early Edgecombe Prec land records are found in Halifax Co NC.

For notes on Edgecombe Co NC click here.

The only records in Edgecombe Co NC for a Thomas Robinson are:

Thomas Harrington for L40 to Elizabeth King land in Edgecombe Precinct containing 54A. Wit: Thomas Robertson, Jos Bradley, Martin Lyon. S/Thomas Harrington and wife Mary Harrington. Recorded Bk 1 Pg 38 Aug 1733 Halifax Co NC.

Thomas Robertson, Martin Lyon, William Short witness a deed between Thomas Harrington and wife Mary of Bertie Precinct and Joseph Bradley of Edgecombe Precinct. Recorded Bk 1 Pg 40 Aug 1733 Halifax Co NC.

Will of James Macklemore, brother of Abraham Macklemore, dtd 7 Feb 1733/4 Bertie Co NC was witnessed by John Doyle, Abraham (A) Macklemore, Thomas (T) Roberson.

NOTE: A William Short is also found in Prince George Co VA on land adjacent Thomas Wilkins in 1727. John Wilkins witnessed Thomas Robinson's deed in Brunswick Co VA in 1745. Sarah Robinson b ca 1718 prob Pr Geo married William Short. She was the dau of John and Mary Robinson of Pr Geo.

Granville Co NC
Granville Co NC was formed in 1746 from Edgecombe Co NC.

Thomas Robinson's deed of 1745 in Brunswick Co VA lists him being from Edgecombe Co NC and he was if you consider the next deed which was recorded prior to the formation date of Granville Co NC:

Isaac Ricks of Edgecombe Co NC to Thomas Robertson of Granville Co NC for L10 400A on the SS of the Tar Riv where Robertson now dwells and granted to Isaac Ricks 5 Jul 1743. Wit: Osborne Jeffrey, James Yancey, William Roberts. Rec Sep 1747 Bk A Pg 30 Granville Co NC.

1. Map of Tar River area.
2. Isaac Ricks in Bertie Co NC before Edgecombe Co and Isle of Wight Co VA before that. He was the son of Isaac Ricks Sr who died 1724 Isle of Wight Co VA.
3. Osborne Jeffrey is the son of Simon Jeffrey who is found in Henrico Co VA as early as 1705. In a 1741 deed in Edgecombe Co NC he is listed from Northampton Co NC. In 1753 Jeffrey is found on Flatt Riv close to Thomas Robinson.
4. George Roberson, John McKinnie, Isaac Ricks wit deed between Benj McKinnie to Barnaby McKinnie. 22 Sep 1734 Edgecombe Co NC.

Two deeds, recorded on the same day, show up next for a Thomas Robinson:

Thomas Roberson, John (M) Shearman, John Conaway witnessed a deed between Thomas Mason and Richard Gibs for 200A on SS of Stony Crk near the head of the Tar Riv. Recorded 4 Oct 1748 Bk A Pg 77 Granville Co NC.

Thomas Roberson, John Conaway, Richard Gibs wit a deed between Thomas Mason and John Shearman on Stony Crk. Recorded 4 Oct 1748 Pg 81 Granville Co NC.

1. John Shearman and Andrew Hampton (see below) are both found in Brunswick and Lunenburg Co's VA according the following deeds:
   a. George King of Brunswick Co VA to Andrew Hampton of Brunswick Co VA for L35 for 150A on SS of the Roanoke Riv adj Ephraim Parham. No witnesses. Recorded Brunswick Co VA Deed Bk 2 Pg 104 1 Oct 1741.
   b. William Stroud Sr of Edgecombe Precinct NC to John Shearman of Brunswick co VA for L20 for 100A adj Robert Stroud and Lewis Parham. Wit Andrew Hampton, Susanna King, George King. Recorded Brunswick Co VA Deed Bk 2 Pg 107 1 Oct 1741.
   c. John Shearman and Katharine his wife of Cumberland Par Lunenburg Co to William Wood of same, L30 100A SS Roanoke Riv bounded by Lewis Parham. S/John Shearman, Katherine (N) Shearman. Wit: Thomas Hawkins, William Seeley. Lunenburg Co VA DB 1 Pg 113 1 Nov 1746 Rec 2 Mar 1746.
2. John Shearman b abt 1725 VA d bef May 1784 in Granville Co NC. He was in Lunenberg Co VA before coming to NC. His dau Frances Shearman married Thomas Goss.
3. 1741 William Goss listed between Cockes [Cox] Crk and Butchers Crk in Brunswick Co VA. This would have been just west of where Thomas Robinson lived on Miles Crk.
4. I believe these deeds indicate where Thomas Robinson's land was on the Tar Riv. Probably at the head of the Tar Riv now in Nash Co and a few miles south of the VA/NC boundary and about 20 miles SE of the Roanoke Riv land he owned in Brunswick Co VA.
5. Granville Co NC DB E pg 14 3 Feb 1761 John Shearmon to John Williams for 5 shillings 100A in Granville Co NC on Tar River and Stony Creek at Goss and Williams lines. Wit: James Langston, Thomas Goss.
6. Thomas Mason is the son of Ralph Mason.

The 1750 Tax List of Granville Co does not list a Thomas Robinson, although it's not certain that list is complete.

1751 Granville Co NC Road Order:"...September the 3rd 1751...ordered that Pail Harrelson, Lawrence Rambow, David Staplon, James Hendrick, John Horley, William Chambers, William W. Coore, Robert Bumpass, James Shearman, Ephriam Merrit, Richard Gibbs, George Morris, Thomas Roberson, Josias Dickson, Michel Dickson, Hugh Dobbin lay out a road the best and most convenient way the end of the road near Mitchel's Quarter thence crossing Mayo near Gordon's, Hico near Serjants and from thence to be continued to the upper inhabitants and that the inhabitants below and near the upper side of the road open and maintain the same and that John Gordon be appointed overseer of the road below Mayo Creek and William Chambers Esq. of the upper part...Dan Weldon C.C. ...given under my hand this 8th day of Oct 1751...Jonathen White..."

Document is signed by: William Chambers, Paul Harralson, William Sargant, Josias Dickson, John Sharman, Thomas Robson, James Hendrick, George Morris, John Horly, Lawrance Rambo, Richard Gibbs, Hugh Dobbins. Click here for a copy.

1. 4 Aug 1752 John Lea of Orange Co NC and Anne his wife to Thomas McNeal of St Geo Par Spotsylvania Co VA L24 185A whereon sd McNeal now dwells and formerly being a pat granted George Carter and given by sd Carter to the sd John Lea his son-in-law by Deed of Gift. Said land joining the lands of Humphrey Bell of London, John Williamson, Robert Huddleston, Colo. John Waller and Richard Coleman. No wit. 4 Aug 1752 Spotsylvania Co VA.
2. 8 May 1755 John Lea, Planter, ten sh BS of South Hico and Richland Creeks Orange Co NC (adjacent to William Sargent) 770A thirty sh ten pence rent per year. Surveyed 30 Jan 1754 by Andrew Caddel and George Lea.

1753 Robert Harris's Granville Co Tax List has Thomas Robertson with two whites and two Negros Nan & Nick. Listed close to Thomas Robertson are William Russell and Thomas Rose.

Thomas Roberson and William Russell are listed as chain bearers on a LG for Thomas Rose on BS the Tar Riv. Land that was adj Hart, Russell and Roberson on the North Fork of the Riv. Daniel Weldon is listed as the Surveyor. Recorded Patent Bk 14 Pg 52 28 Apr 1753 Granville Co NC.

1. Daniel Weldon is the brother of Samuel Weldon who married Penelope Short, dau of William Short who was a witness with Thomas Robertson on an Edgecombe Co NC deed in 1733.
2. Thomas Rose is found in the 1740's in Brunswick Co VA before going to NC. He may have been from Surry Co VA prior to Brunswick Co VA.

Thomas Robinson to John Green, blacksmith, for L20 200A on the SS Tar Riv whereon William Gaus [Goss] lived which was granted to Isaac Ricks. S/Thomas (X) Robinson. Wit by Aaron Fussell, Hosea Tapley, William Cheek. Recorded Deed Bk B Pg 237 4 Sep 1753 Granville Co NC.

1. On 4 Jun 1735 Thomas Fussell of Cartee Par Bertie Co NC wrote his will and named son Aaron Fussell as his sole exec. Also mentions dau Elizabeth wife of Gilbert Weaver and dau Mary wife of John Rainwater.
2. This was 200A of the 400A purchase from Ricks in 1747.
3. John Ashley of Craven Co to John Robertson of Anson 100A N of Cheek's Creek. Wit Thomas Ussery, Luke Robinson and William Ussery. Anson Co NC Deed Bk H Pg 40 30 Jul 1767.
4. 2 Dec 1755 Granville Co NC John Rainwater 212A on BS Sandy Creek in Granville Co on John Terrell's line from Thomas Fussell for L12. Wit: Aaron Fussell, John Stroud and Edward Weaver. Granville Co NC Deeds 1746-1765. Note: John Terrell was the father of Jeptha Terrell.
5. William Cheek was the son of Richard Cheek who left a will dated 29 Sept 1743 in Beaufort Co NC.
6. 6 Dec 1732 Edgecombe Co NC. Richard Cheek, James Millikin and Thomas Whitmell witnessed a deed from John Green of Bertie Precinct to Joseph Lane for 300A on the Tar River joining Thomas Lane and a branch of the river. Edgecombe Co NC DB 1 pg 23.

In 1754 a list of the Granville Co NC Militia was taken. This list still exists and is as close to a complete listing of those in Granville Co NC as anything that has survived from that date. Thomas Robinson, Sergeant, shows up in Captain Andrew Hampton's Company. What exact area Captain Hampton's Company covered is unknown, although I suspect it was old Orange Co NC that was formed from the western part of Granville in 1752. Andrew Hampton (also found in Brunswick Co VA) is found on several deeds in Orange Co as early as 1752 and then later in Rutherford Co NC with Thomas Robinson.

1754 Granville Co NC Tax List of Robert Harris has Thomas Robertson listed with two Negros Dick and Nann. Only 1 white was listed in this Tax List.

1755 Granville Co List of Taxables has listed Thomas Robinson and two Negroes Dick and Nan. Thomas Robinson was living close to Thos Goss, John Shearman and Philip Pryor.

Thomas Roberson and William Williams are listed as a chain bearers for John Langston's LG of 560A in St John's Par of Granville Co NC on BS the Tar Riv joins Ephriam Merriott [Merritt]. Wit: David Hunter, Jno Hargrove. Recorded Patent Bk 11 Pg 439 10 May 1755 Granville Co NC.

1. St John's Par covered most of Granville Co NC during this time.
2. John Langston was out of Surry/IOW Co VA.
3. Thomas Robinson and William Williams are both listed as Sergeants in Cpt Andrew Hampton's Co in the 1754 Militia List of Granville Co NC.
4. 16 Nov 1754 John Williams and Jane his wife and William Williams of Granville Co NC to Charles Kennedy of Hanover Co VA L21 100A in Spotsylvania Co VA conveyed by Ralph Williams to the afsd William Williams and by him conveyed to the afsd John Williams. Wit: John Woolfolk, James Wiglesworth, James Crawford, William Davenport 3 Jun 1755 DB E Spotsylvania Co VA.
5. 2 May 1740 Ralph x Williams of St Geo Par Spotsylvania Co VA to William Williams of Par and Co afsd L30 100A in Spotsylvania Co VA formerly taken up by Nicholas Lankford and by him conveyed to John Collier Jr of King and Queen Co VA and by sd Collier to Robert Stubblefield and by sd Stubblefield to sd Ralph Williams as by Deed 2 Jul 1734. Wit: Robt Huddleston, Thomas Dillard 7 Oct 1740 Spotsylvania Co VA.

Mar 1757 Thomas Robinson sued Thomas Fussell in the Granville Co Courts. I have no idea what this case concerns, however, Aaron Fussell was a wit on Thomas Robinson's deed in 1753.

Thomas Robason of Orange Co NC to Mordecai Moore of Granville Co NC for L100 200A on the Tar Riv in John Landers line to Rose line, this being part of a larger tract granted to Isaac Ricks 1 Jul 1743. S/Thomas Robson. Wit Hosea Tapley, William Joyner. Recorded Deed Bk C Pg 528 1758 Granville Co NC.

1. This is the remaining land left from the 400A Thomas Robinson had purchased from Isaac Ricks in 1747. While this clearly shows Thomas Robinson in Orange Co as the same Thomas Robinson in Granville Co NC the difference in this deed and the 1753 deed is that the 1753 deed was recorded with his mark and on this deed he signed his name. The 1753 deed has to be a mistake by the clerk recording the deed because Thomas Robinson signed his named on the 1745 Brunswick Co VA deed. Also, notice the name variants between all three deeds.
2. For a second time Hosea Tapley wit a deed for Thomas Robinson.
3. Mordecai Moore b 1727 PA d 15 Sep 1794 Warren Co GA married 1750 Orange Co NC Mary Lackey.

The 1762 Granville Co NC Tax List has a Thomas Roberson listed under Christopher Roberson, but this isn't the Thomas Robinson from Brunswick Co VA as he was in Orange Co NC by this date. The Christopher Roberson family can be found later in Bute and then Warren Co NC. They probably descend from the Surry Co VA Robinson's.

Orange Co NC
Orange Co NC was formed in 1752 from the western part of Johnston, Bladen and Granville Co's. Orange Co NC is a burned county and very few early records exist. There are a few deeds for the years 1755 and 1756 and then nothing until the 1770's, although some deeds were re-recorded at a later time.

Thomas Goss is granted administration on the estate of his brother William Goss, dec'd. Bond L200. Securities: Thomas Robinson, James Couch, Edward Stone. Folio 65 Pg 129 Orange Co NC Ct Dec 1757.

Thomas Robinson of Orange Co was allowed one pound two shillings and six pence for provisions for the Indians. NC Colonial records for Friday 2 Dec 1758.

The records become confusing at this point because there are now at least two Thomas Robinson's in Granville and Orange Co's. One is clearly the Thomas Robinson out of Brunswick Co VA. County boundaries are changing with the northern part of Johnston Co around the Neuse Riv being added to Orange Co NC.

Wm Cloud of Johnston Co NC to Thomas Robertson of Johnston Co NC for L20 90A on NS Neuse Riv granted to Jeptha Terrell 9 May 1757. Wit Wm Allin, Henry Hardin, Judith Hardin. DB A-1 Pg 3 8 Sep 1759 Johnston Co NC.

Mark Hardin of Johnston Co NC to Thomas Robertson of Johnston Co NC for L4 10A at the mouth of a branch between sd Robertson's land, granted to Jeptha Terrell from Lord Granville 9 May 1757. Wit Henry Hardin, Wm Hardin. DB A-1 Pg 77 11 Jun 1759 Johnston Co NC.

Thomas Robertson of Orange Co to Rbt Edge of Johnston Co NC 100A NS Neuse Riv, part of a tract granted to Jeptha Terrell 9 May 1757. S/Thomas Robertson. Wit George Reeves, James Johnson, Wm Hardin. DB D-1 Pg 229 8 May 1763.

1. Alice Hardin was married to Wm Cloud.
2. In November 1762 Thomas Robinson buys 300A on Indian Crk for L55 from Moses Moore. Originally this was old Mecklenburg Co NC but now Lincoln Co NC.
3. The Cloud and Moore families were from Chester Co PA before coming to the Carolinas and had intermarried numerous times in PA. Both families were from Calne, Wiltshire, England before coming to America.
4. This may be the link to Thomas Robinson found west of the Catawba Riv. To see those deeds click here.
5. Jeptha Terrell Johnston Co to William Mallitt L30 VA money 200A in Johnston Co on NS of Neuse Riv. Wit: Joshua Houghton, Cernelus Keeth [Cornelius Keith]. S/Jeptha (X) Terrell. DB A-1 Pg 100 21 Dec 1759. Note: Cornelius Keith witnessed Thomas Robinson's 1735 deed in Brunswick Co VA.

Nathaniel Aldridge survey in St Matthew's Parish for a LG of 220A on Bushey Fork of Flat Riv adj Thomas Robinson. Wit James Watson, Enoch Lewis. Grant is dtd 29 Jul 1760 and recorded in Orange Co NC Pg 329 6 Feb 1761.

NOTE: The Flat Riv is actually the northern part of the Neuse Riv where it splits into the Eno and Flat Riv. The Flat Riv splits into two branches, one being the North Fork and the other being the South Fork. Bushy Fork is on the South Fork. The land Thomas Robinson had in Orange Co NC was about 10-12 miles due west from the land he owned in Granville Co NC. This land was located later in Caswell Co and then Person Co NC.

Thomas Robinson and Thomas Jones wit a LG to Thomas Carmichael for 593A in St Matthew's Par on Town Fork Crk in Orange Co NC. Recorded 18 Aug 1760 Pg 382 Orange Co NC.

NOTE: This is a Lord Granville LG because Thomas Jones shows up witnessing or examining many of the Lord Granville LG's during this period. Exactly what Thomas Robinson's position was is unclear, although there is another Lord Granville LG 'examined' by Thomas Robinson and Richard Vigers in 1760 in St John's Par Granville Co NC.

Thomas Robinson appointed overseer of the road from his house to Jame McAllister. Recorded May 1761 Court Session Orange Co NC.

1. According to a 1754 LG, James McCallester had land on Tapley Crk where it crosses the Little Riv. He was still on this land in 1777 so I believe Thomas Robinson was in charge of the road that leads between the South Fork of the Flat Riv and the Little Riv.
2. John Camp of Orange to Samuel Vanhook of same, L60 402A the Middle Fork of Little Riv. Granville to Nathaniel Walton 15 Jul 1760, Walton to Luke Robertson, Robertson to John Camp 6 Feb 1764. S/John Camp. Wit: Thos Camp, Lawr Vanhook. Orange Co NC DB 3 Pg 518 27 Sep 1765.
3. Samuel Vanhook of Orange to James McCandles of same 200A on Middle Fork of Little River. 402A from Granville to Nathaniel Walton 15 Jul 1760 and Walton to Luke Robertson and Robertson to John Camp and Camp to Samuel Van Hook. DB 2 Pg 551 13 Apr 1768 Orange Co NC.

Thomas Robinson is listed as adj to a LG to Nathaniel Aldridge on Flat Riv 19 Dec 1761. Recorded Orange Co NC 8 Dec 1762 Pg 328.

Joseph King appointed overseer of the Road from Flatt Riv at Roberson's Mill to Bush Camp in room of John Cates. Orange Co Ct Minutes Bk II Pg 29 May 1763.

Neal McCalister of Orange to Michael Robertson of same, L85 200A on SS North Fork of Little River. DB 3 Pg 516 23 Jan 1769 Orange Co NC.

James Foster of Granville to Peter Farrar of Amherst Co VA 340A on BS Flat Riv adj Thomas Robinson. Land granted from Granville to Nathaniel Aldridge 3 Nov 1762 and Aldridge to Foster. Recorded DB 4 Pg 421 26 Nov 1771.

Thomas Robinson listed adj in deed bet John Tinnin of Orange to Abraham Brown of same on Bushy Fork of Flat Riv. Granville to Nathaniel Aldridge 6 Feb 1761 and Aldridge to David Brasfield 1 Aug 1764 and Brasfield to John Tinnin 12 Jan 1765. Recorded DB 2 Pg 63 18 Feb 1774.

Here is a list of other Robinson/Robertson in Orange Co NC in the general area of this Thomas Robinson:

John Robinson of Granville LG 157A on Bold waters of Country Line Crk. Surveyed by Wm Churton 26 Aug 1755 with Hugh Dobbins Jr and John Farigson chain bearers. Wit James Watson and Stephen Maret. Recorded 9 Jan 1761. Signed John Robison.

1. Orange Co NC Ct Min Nov 1761 Hugh Dobbin vs Jacob Roberson. See Jacob Robinson lineage here.
2. Orange Co NC Ct Min May 1763 ordered that the following persons work on the road whereof Daniel Duncan is overseer to wit: Wm Bustard, Jacob Roberson, Thos Whitton, John Oakes, Daniel Smith, Isaac Allen, Wm Chambers Sr, Adam Lackey, Jonathan Allen, Francis Wright, Daniel Duncan, Leonard Huff and Alexander Roberson.
3. Orange Co NC Ct Min Feb 1765 ordered that Geo Black, Gresham Allen, Isaac Fitzwood, Jacob Robinson Sr, Phillips Phillips and Hugh Dobbin work on the road whereof Daniel Duncan besides those that formerly worked under him.

John Robinson of Granville LG 641A on BS Country Line Crk. Wit James Watson, Daniel Brown. Survey 30 Jul 1761. Recorded Pg 24 6 Sep 1761. Signed John Robertson.

NOTE: Country Line Crk is just west of Bushy Fork where Thomas Robinson resided.

Luke Roberson of Granville Co LG 550A on BS Hughes Crk beginning in Country Line at John Pryor's. Wit: James Watson, Benj Hart. Survey 28 Jan 1757 by Sherod Haywood. CB Lawrence Rambo and John Ussery. Entered 6 Oct 1755. Luke (X) Robinson. Recorded Pg 30 2 Jan 1761.

1. It's hard to tell exactly where this is but probably on either the N or S Hyco Crk. These deeds give an indication of where:
   a. 1755 Laurence Rambo of Orange to John Pryor of same 100A on BS Castle Crk, a branch of the Hico beg at John Pryor's corner.
   b. 1755 Geo Yates of Bedford Co VA to John Rogers of Orange 100A on NS Hico Crk beg on Country Line at John Pryor's corner.
2. John Pryor listed from Hanover Co VA in 15 Nov 1748 deed in Edgecombe Co NC.
3. John Pryor is found in Edgecombe Co in 1752 wit LG for Wm Gill with Edward Roberson as chain bearer.
4. Hosea Tapley Jr d1770 Orange Co and will wit by John Pryor.
5. 1753 deed in Granville for Thomas Robinson wit by Hosea Tapley.
6. Wm Chambers LG on Hughes Mill Crk surveyed 7 Apr 1755. Granville LG Pg 342 1760.

John Robinson and wf Margaret to Rolley Dotson L16 50A on ES Country Line Crk adj Henry Willis. Grant from Granville to John Robinson 1761. Signed John Robertson, Marget Robertson. Wit Hugh Kelly and Henry Hix. Recorded DB 2 Pg 160 19 Feb 1768.

Luke Robertson of Anson Co NC to Rodger Atkinson of Dunwoody (Dinwiddie) Co VA L 30 200A on Country Line adj Rodger Atkinson's corner. Part of tract from Granville to Robertson 1759. Signed Luke (X) Robertson. Wit Malcolm Usary, Wm Usary. Recorded DB 3 Pg 281 26 Dec 1769.

John Robison of Orange to David Shelton of Halifax Co VA L100 280A on BS County [Country] Line Crk, part of a tract from Granville to Robison 9 Jul 17??. Signed John Robison. Wit Thomas Robinson, Anthony Samuel. Recorded DB 3 Pg 580 9 Jul 1770.

NOTE: This is part of the Granville LG of 641A dtd 6 Sep 1761.

John Robison and wf Mary of Orange Co to David Shelton of same, L100 280A on BS County [Country] Line Crk. Granville to Hugh Dobbin 8 May 1755, Dobbin to Robison 25 Sep 1756. Signed John Robinson, Mary Robison. Wit James Watson, Thomas Robison. Recorded DB 3 Pg 397 23 Sep 1771.

John Robinson of Rowan Co to Charles Bolton of Orange L85 300A, part of a larger tract from Granville to Robeson 6 Sep 1761 adj Henry Willis, Hugh Kelly and Miry Branch. Signed John Robertson. Wit Thomas Robinson, Hugh Dobbin. Recorded DB 3 Pg 622 3 Nov 1771.